Markiplier x Reader ~ The pup that brought us together

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I walked into the Pet store and made my way to the back to get on the clock. I checked in and put my jacket in my locker. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and put it in my back pocket. I made my way around all the animals making sure they all had food and water.  I made my way to the dogs last . Only one lab pup didn't have food. I sighed and went to get the bag of food to fill it.  Once I was all done my manager opened up the store. I sat around for a few hours cleaning and waiting for customers to come in . Finally around 10 am a couple of guys came in. One was really short with pink hair, one was kinda tall and chubby and the last one was kinda tall and super skinny. I greeted them with a smile and the pink haired guy smiled back. The tall skinny one grabbed the pink haired one and drug him over to the dogs.  

" There dogs, now choose one."

"It's not that easy Matt." said the pink haired man. The tall skinny one named Matt groaned. 

"This is going to take all day."

"If he takes too long we will just leave him." said the kinda tall chubby one

"Ryan, Mark is the one who drove us here."

"So what?" asked Ryan.

I stopped just listening and walked over to help Mark, who was looking at all the dogs.

"Any breed in particular?" I asked and walked up next to him.

"Nah not really , I just want to take one home that feels comfortable with me."

"Hmm okay, well why don't you try walking down the line to see which ones get excited?"

He nods his head and I slowly lead him down the aisle of dogs. Most of the small dogs seemed to coward away from him which obviously upset Mark quite a bit. We slowly made out way to the big dogs . So far some of them have gotten kind of excited but not as much as Mark hoped. We finally finished off all the aisles with dogs and stopped. Mark looked at the ground and sighed. 

"Maybe I should just try somewhere else?" He said

"Wait, uh we actually have a few dogs in the back. They are one who are a bit shyer and will probably need more work and love."

Mark looked up and smiled at me "Can we please go look at them?"

"Yea of course." I say smiling back 

I guide Mark to the back where the rest of the dogs are at. He looks around at some of the smaller dogs for a bit when he notices a big yellow lab at the back. He walks over to the dogs kennel and sits in front of it. The dog inches its way towards Mark and starts sniffing. I walk over and sit down next to him. 

"She is the shyest dog we have. It took a lot of love just to get her where she is right now and it will take a lot more love and attention to take her in ."

"Well I have lots of love and attention to give." Mark says still looking at the dog. I lean forward , unlock the cage and usher the pup out. The pup lays its head on Marks lap and he awes. He starts petting her all over and she really enjoyed it. 

"This one is definitely the right one."

I nod my head and hand him a leash "Well then she is all yours."

He smiled and put the leash on her collar. "Oh I never introduced myself , I'm Mark."

"Oh uh I'm (y/n)"

"It's nice to meet you (y/n) . but uh I know we just met and all but would you maybe like to go on  a date....THAT IS LIKE IF YOU ARENT ALL READY TAKEN" Mark says

I blush a little " I would love to go on a date with you Mark."

~ time skip to almost a year later~

"Mark!" I say shaking him awake

"What?" He says sitting up groggily 

"Today is the one year anniversary of getting to Chica."

"Oh my god really?"

"Yes and I have a plan, okay?"


"I just need you to invite Ryan and Matt and tell them to bring Lego and Banana."

"Okay." He says and streches

"Ok well I have to go get stuff , please don't forget to call them."

"I'll do it right now okay?"

"Yes okay thank you Mark." I say.  I kiss him on the head and rush out of the house.

~ Marks POV~

(y/n) leaves the house in a rush. I groan and get out of bed. I throw on some shorts and a T-shirt and grab my phone. I call Ryan and he answers after a couple rings

"Hey Mark , whats up?"

"Hey , (y/n) is planning a little party i guess for Chica cause today is the one year anniversary of getting her, and (y/n) wanted me to invite you and Matt."

"Oh thats cool, Should we bring Lego?"

"Yea and she also wanted you to bring Banana if it wasn't too much trouble."

"No not at all its perfectly fine."

"Okay well I guess its for 2:00 "

"Okay well I got to go , I'll see you then. Bye"

Ryan hangs up quickly. I made my way downstairs and call for Chica. She comes running over to me and jumps up on me.  I smile and pet her.  I walk to the kitchen and she follows me. I fill up her bowls with food and water and make myself a bowl of cereal. After I did my cereal dishes I went to the living room and cleaned up since it was a little messy.  I plop on to the couch and Chica climbs on me.

"Hi Chica." I say smiling and petting her "Who's my good pup?" She starts wagging and getting excited. She jumps down off the couch and brings me her ball. I throw the ball towards the front door but it suddenly opens. The ball misses (y/n)'s face my centimeters. (y/n) gasps and almost drops what she was carrying. I quickly jump up and go over to help her.

"I am so so sorry (y/n)."

She chuckles and shakes her head. "No no it's fine.  I didn't get hurt so no foul."

I sigh in relief and help her carry the stuff to the kitchen. I help her get everything set up just in time for the little party . After Matt and Ryan arrive we give Chica a couple presents. One was a bone and one was a new squeaky toy. Ryan and Matt also got her a couple treat bags. We all head outside and let Lego and Chica play together 

~Your POV~ 

Once we were outside Lego and Chica went at it. They kept running around and chasing each other. After about an hour Matt and Ryan both had to leave. They hadn't recorded for the day and they were getting ready to leave on a trip that they needed to prepare for. We bid them farewell and cleaned up. Once we were done we sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix.

"Happy one year Chica." Mark said while petting her. "I'm so glad that I decided to walk into that pet shop. Without passing by it then I would've never met the two most important people in my life ." He said and kissed me on the cheek

"Aww Markk." I say blushing. I grab his hand and entwine our fingers. 

"I love you so much (y/n). You and Chica both mean the world to me and I really don't know what I would do without you." 

I smile at him "I love you too Mark."

He smiles back at me and kisses me passionately. The rest of the night was filled with cuddles and kisses. It definitely was the best night I've ever experienced.

Jacksepticeye /Markiplier /Crankgameplays x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now