Jacksepticeye x Reader ~ Valentines Day

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(y/f/n)= Your full name 

I make my way downstairs to make breakfast for Jack. I pull out all the ingredients to make pancakes and I color them pink. I make a some pancake hearts and set them on two plates. I grab syrup and poor some on the pancakes and poor a couple glasses of milk. Just as I finish pouring the milk Jack walks in. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"Good morning beautiful." He says in his morning voice

"Good morning love." I say and kiss his cheek

"Breakfast looks really good, thank you." He says letting go of me and sitting down at the bar.

I sit down next to him and start eating my pancakes. Jack starts eating and smiles at me. I smile back and finish eating. Once we were done we do the dishes together and get dressed to head out. When we leave we head straight to the mall. We walk around a bit and get matching hoodies. I get a couple pairs of pants and Jack gets some skinny jeans. Once we were finished at the mall Jack told me that he had a surprise for me. Jack leads me to the car and puts a blindfold on me. I put my seat belt on and Jack drives us to where ever we are going. Once we park he gets out and helps me out of the car. He tells me to wait a second and leaves me leaning against the car.  I hear a trip and then a scream of pain. I quickly tear off the blind fold and look around for Jack. He was behind the car , on the ground holding his leg. I rush over to him.

"Oh my god what happened?" I ask as I pull out my phone.

"I fell on a fookin rock and I think I broke my ankle. Oh and please don't call an ambulance , c-can you just drive me to the hospital?"

"Uh yea of course." I help him up and take him to the passenger seat. I help him into the car and run around to the drivers seat. I hop in and drive to the hospital. When we arrive I jump out and help Jack out of the car. I lock the car doors and help him inside and to the front desk. They get him in right away because they had very few patients. Jack sits on the little table and i sit in a plastic seat next to it. Jack sighs and looks down.

"Im sorry (y/n)."

"Sorry about what?" I ask

"Ruining your day."

"Awe Jack , you didn't ruin anything. Im just glad i get to be with you."

He looks up at me and smiles a bit. "I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too my little green bean."

~Time Skip ~
Jacks POV:

(Y/n) helped me into the car and put my crutches in the back. She runs around the drivers side and i look out my window. I see rain clouds in the distance and I frown.

"Great now its really ruined." I say

"What is really ruined?" (Y/n) asks

"Well I did have a picnic planned but its starting to rain so we cant do that."

"Hey that's okay, we can just cuddle at home okay?" She says and pats my leg. I smile at her and look back out my window. (Y/n) turns on the radio and soft romantic music starts playing. She sings along softly to the song and pulls out of the parking lot. She drives us home and sings the whole way there. When we arrive she grabs the umbrella and rushes over to my side to help me out. I thank her as she hands me the crutches. She just smiles and helps me inside. When she opes  the door the living room is almost completely dark and she just smiles widely at me. I give her a weird look and she flips on the lights while still smiling at me. I looked around the room and there were unlit candles and a pizza box and movies on the table. I smile at her and chuckle a bit.

"What is all this?"

"Weell I figured since we couldn't do the picnic we could do a little date night at home tonight. I had my mom and sister set it all up while we were driving over here so the pizza is fresh and its even your favorite."

I smile widely at her. "You got pineapple pizza!!"

"I did indeed." She says and giggles. 

I walk over to her and hug her.  She hugs me back and kisses my cheek. She orders me to sit down and eat while she goes upstairs. I sit down and after a few minutes she comes back down with a bag. She hands me the bag and tells me to open it. I do and there was my favorite candy in there and some Colossi figures from Shadow of the Colossus. I smile at her and inspect the figures. 

"These are amazing (Y/n) thank you so much."

She smiles at me and blushes. "Awe it was nothin."

"Mm yea well I got you something too."

"You didn't have to do that love." She says

"Yea but I wanted tooo." I say and pull I box out of my pocket. "I know this isn't the most romantic place but I really love you and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."I wobble off the couch and get down on one knee and (y/n) starts to get teary eyed. "So will you (y/f/n) do me the honor and be Mrs. (y/n)  McLoughlin."

She nods her head and says yes over and over again. I smile at her and put the ring on her finger. She pulls me up onto the couch and kisses me. I kiss her back and smile at her again. Once we were done making out she cuddled with me on the couch and we watched movies and ate pizza the rest of the night.   I don't think I could be any luckier.

(AN: Sorry this was really shit but I wrote almost the whole story today because I had forgot about it. Whoops ,but I am working on some Ethan smut so that will be coming out probably later this week and I have some plans for another Pyrocynical and Friends story and Also some OGChan one shots as well. I have a lot of ideas for some and I have gotten some really great Ideas from you guys as well. I will be updating the request ones before the other ones though. If you requested one I will also tag you in it so you will know when that specific one is updated so that way you're not mislead every time I post. But anyway that's all I have for today. Love You all stay cranky bai ^-^'

Jacksepticeye /Markiplier /Crankgameplays x reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now