Chapter 4

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When I get home later that day I sit down on bed doing my homework and listening to music. 

My phone starts to ring and I answer, “Hello?” I question.

“What do you do to make it stop crying?!” I recognized the voice as Four. 

I laugh and hear the faint sound of crying in the background. 

“Tris…” He warns, I can hear the frown in his voice.

“Just hold it.” I say and then a few seconds later the crying stops and he sighs. 


“What how’d you get my number?” I say confused and a little pissed. 

“I asked Zeke and then he asked Uriah and he gave it to me.” He explains. 

“I swear I’m going to fucking slit his throat when I get to school tomorrow.” I say anger running through my body. 

“Geez Tris, Lethal much?”

I laugh a little and say goodbye then hang up. 

I fall asleep while doing home work.

-page break- 

I wake up in the morning to the sound of rain tapping at my window. 

I glance at my phone and see I’m gonna be late and in the rain. 

I get dressed and walk downstairs pulling my hoodie on and lifting the hood. 

I walk to school and once I get in I put my stuff in my locker and walk into Spanish. 

Uriah isn’t there. 


I sit and think the whole time ignoring the people then go to Math. 

After Math I go to home ec and sit quietly at my desk while everyone comes in. 

Four walks in with the baby and sits next to me. 

I try not to look at him but he puts his hand on my thigh and my head snaps up to meet his eyes. 

“Are you okay?” He asks and I can actually hear concern, no sarcasm or hate. 

“Fine.” I say trying to take the attention off me. 

I glance at the baby, “How’d you make it stop crying?” I ask

He smiles, “I opened up the back and turned it off.” 

I smile and roll my eyes.  “Wow.” Is all I say. 

After home ec I take the doll and put it in my locker.

I guess I can just leave it there till I need it for something. 

I go to lunch and sit down at my table with Christina, Uriah, Marlene, Lynn, Cara, and Fernando. 

I only took an apple and water which I probably won't even eat the apple so I give it to Christina and tell her I had a big breakfast. 

She eyes me but takes it anyway. 

Zeke walks over and stops by Uriah, whispers something. 

Uriah nods and Zeke walks away. 

“What did he ask you?” I ask, 

“You’ll see.” Is all he says. 

What the fuck?

Just then Four and Zeke sit at our table and I frown then death glare Uriah. 

“You are asking for murder aren't you?” I say clearly pissed. 

“What did I do?!” 

“You’ll see.” is all I say then get up and walk out. 

I walk down the hallway and sigh. 

I see Peter and start going back but then I feel a tap on the shoulder. 

“What?” I say not turning around

“Look at me.” He demands. 

I don’t.

He turns me around and slaps me. “Listen to me when I talk to you.” He growls. 

I hold my cheek. 

“Why don’t you just go pick on someone your own size. There a bus in the parking lot.” I tell him my voice shaking, then I run.

I run into the girls bathroom, make sure no one is in there then slide to the floor trying not to cry. 

Peter and me used to be good friends but then he got possessive and I ditched him. 

He got really pissed and hit me and now he thinks I have to listen to him. 

I hear the bell ring after a few minutes and go to my next class. 

The rest of the day I walk around with a red mark on my face and silence holding my lips together. 

By the end of the day I’m at the brink of crying and the second the bell rings I sprint out and run home as fast as I can. 

I hear someone, Four I think, call after me but I ignore him and keep running. 

I let the tears fall as I run the wind pushing them off my cheeks for me. 

I stop by the tree in the park by my house and let it all out. 

Not even seconds later I feel strong arms wrap around me and held me to a chest. 

I feel the jolt of energy and know it’s Four. 

I try not to cry try not to show weakness. 

“You don’t have to pretend around me Tris.” He says calmly. 

I nod but still hold it in. 

He sighs and wipes a tear from my cheek. 

“You’ll be okay.” He whispers to me. 

Is he… showing me he cares?

Does he care? 

Would he be holding me if he cared?

Maybe he’s just trying to get me to like him then back stab me?

I sigh and look up at him. 

He looks concerned. 

“I am okay.” I say confirming what he said. 

He nods but doesn't let me go.

I let him hold me. 

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