Chapter 7

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Yes, I think, a million times yes.



He has a girlfriend… I can’t break them up like that.

And what will everyone else think?

All the guys already hit on me and if I have to explain why and who I’m with they’ll flip.

And the girls, oh god the girls.

They’ll beat me to a pulp if they find out.

“I- I can’t. Besides don’t you have Lauren?” I ask trying to backup my reason.

His face falls with little hope behind his eyes, “I broke up with her to ask you.” He sighs, “It’s okay though. I understand, I’m just not your type… I just thought that because you agreed to go with me to Prom, you might have agreed to be with me. I’ve always liked you ever since I bit you in Preschool. I was just hiding my feelings because I thought you didn’t like me back.” He finishes stepping back.

Why is he telling me all of this?

“Tobias, I do like you- I Really like you, I just don’t want it to cause us trouble. Guys will get pissed at you and girl’s will flip if they find out, and I don’t want that to be the reason we break up.” I say, hoping that he understands.

“What if we did it in secret? And after Prom we can just say we only went together as a bet.”

I smile, “I love that idea. Yes I’ll be your girlfriend.” I say not even trying to hide my smile.

He smiles back and wraps his arms around me again.

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