A Flaw

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Ryan reached the school, armed with his gun; he quickly sprinted into the first hall to see a man wearing a hood down the hall. Ryan quickly jumped into an adjacent room before he heard the man fire at Ryan. It was a large office, Ryan quickly saw a door on the other side of the room; he dashed towards it, with gun at the ready. As he exited the office into another hall, he heard gunfire in the office behind him, the man was after him. Ryan hurriedly ran to two intersecting halls, he pressed his back against the wall in order to be out of sight when the man entered the hall from the office. He peered around the corner to see the man coming out of the office; he was holding an assault rifle; Ryan pointed his pistol and fired three times, and then stepped back out of sight. The sound of rapid gunfire echoed throughout the hall.

This guy ain't afraid to fire, he must have a lot of ammunition, Ryan calculated, he heard running footsteps from the hall, he was coming for Ryan. So Ryan rushed to a close classroom, hid himself behind a cabinet and readied himself. He held his breath when he heard footsteps enter the room. As it walked around the room, the sound belonged to big feet, it couldn't be a student, it was certainly the hooded man. He got closer and closer to Ryan, whose heart rate was getting faster and harder by the second. As he walked in front of the hiding detective, Ryan sprinted and reached for the man's gun. He grabbed the rifle and the two men wrestled for possession of the gun, suddenly the gun fired on accident, both jumped away in shock. Ryan's back was against the window, the man was by the entrance to the room. The gun was on the floor, closer to the man; Ryan whipped out his pistol and yelled, "You reach for the gun, I shoot!"

The man was frozen, Ryan glared at him, "The cops will be here soon."

Ryan tried to see who was underneath the hood, but he saw this man was also wearing a ski mask. The two remained paused, suddenly Ryan felt little arms wrap around his legs, it was a little boy.

Shoot, where did he come from, Ryan bit his lip, as the boy cried into Ryan's leg. In the spur of the moment, the hooded man dove for the gun. In panic, Ryan grabbed hold of the kid and jumped out of the window, bracing the damage himself in order to protect the kid. The fall was not tall because they were at ground level inside the building. But as they hit the ground, he heard bullets shatter the rest of the window that they had busted through. He was coming for them. Ryan set the kid down and they both began running away from the window and into the playground area, they both hid behind a slide. Ryan saw a fence nearby, the other side would be outside of school grounds. The detective fired a few bullets into the fence in a circle, he proceeded to kick the circle he made, creating a small hole in the fence, a small kid could fit through. Ryan quickly grabbed the kid by the shoulders.

"Run, call for help," Ryan demanded the kid, who nodded in tears; Ryan let go of him and the boy sprinted in and out of the hole. Suddenly, screams were heard back inside the school, Ryan responded with haste, running towards the sound. It came from a nearby window, Ryan busted through his second window of the day. Inside was a classroom full of kids and a teacher. Ryan looked at all of their terrified faces as the hooded man walked into the room. He pointed his assault rifle at a nearby child, Ryan whipped out his gun with breakneck speed.

"DON'T SHOOT," Ryan demanded with forceful urgency. Neither fired for a few seconds, the kid who was at gunpoint began crying in fear.

"It's okay son," Ryan said with shaky comfort, "You are going to be okay."

Then the classroom heard police sirens in the distance. The man quickly grabbed the child and held the gun to his head, the kid screamed. Ryan shouted, "LET HIM GO!"

The man backed out of the room, threw the kid onto the floor at the entrance and slammed the door behind him in retreat. Ryan quickly sprinted towards the door, jumping over the kid and swinging the door open. He looked to see where the man went but he couldn't tell, so he guessed one path and began running.

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