15 1 0

My heart broke. I felt like an idiot trusting that he could ever be faithful, that I could ever be good enough for him.

The tears fell on my cheeks and I felt my legs give in beneath me. Next thing I knew I was sliding down on the floor, my back against the door and sobbing and sobbing and sobbing.

After about a minute I heard a soft banging on the door.

"Anna? Please? I can explain everything. I swear it's not what you think. Anna? Please." He shouted, his voice cracking with the last sentence.

I knew he wasn't faking this, but my heart was at stake here and I knew that it wasn't going to be the same as it was.

I could feel our friendship, our relationship and everything we've ever been fading between the door and ourselves.

It broke my heart but it needed to be done. Otherwise, I would be broken again.

I can't allow that.

So I stood up and I went to my room, leaving Ezra in front of the door still pleading for me to open it.


I couldn't go to school.

I know how it sounds, and I know I'm being stupid. But, I couldn't bring myself to get up, get ready and go to school.

I couldn't see him. I couldn't see his eyes or his hair or his lanky form. I couldn't see his smirk at someone else that wasn't me.

I knew I couldn't.

So, I did something only a complete coward would do and I stayed home. All the while everyone else went on with their lives, my world stopped turning.

I knew I missed him. I missed him more than anything.

I missed being in his arms. I missed his soft lips grazing mine. I missed him.

But, it was over. I had to accept that. I couldn't keep torturing myself. So I put my head back on the pillow and I slept.


"Anna!" I heard a voice stirring me out of my sleep. Ignoring it, I rolled over and planted my face in the pillows again.

"Anna Montgomery! I swear if you don't get up from that bed right at this instant I will pull you out by your hair." The voice threatened again.

It's been two days since I left my room.

I haven't been to school or to Emma's or anywhere.

I hardly even ate or showered.

I knew somewhere inside me it wasn't right. But, I didn't want to move. I didn't want to speak. I didn't want to do anything.

All I could do was lie in bed, cry and sleep. It was starting to become a vicious cycle.

And this person was disturbing it.

"Go away." I said, my words muffled by the pillow.

"I will not go away Anna. This is the second day you haven't gone to school and everyone is getting worried." She says in an exasperated voice.

"By everyone, do you mean Ezra?"

"Among other things, yes. He's been killing himself Annie. You need to cut him some slack. I heard Bethany went to his house and forced herself on him. He didn't even want to. He's been dodging her ever since it happened. He even shouted at her to stop following her today in the middle of the hallway. He called her some nasty things. He even scolded her for threatening you. He told her she was childish." She said and hearing this, I turned and faced Emma straight on.

"He did that?" I asked quickly, wanting to sob.

"Yeah Anna. Look, everyone agrees wholeheartedly that you and Ezra belong together. Every single person on the planet can see how crazy you are about each other. Just go to him and tell him you forgive him. Trust me Annie, it'll be a good choice." She said, tucking a strand of her curled brown hair behind her ear.

"He could be lying Em." I said and she nodded like she knew.

"Yeah. But, he could be telling the truth." She replied me. "Just at least come out with me tonight. You deserve a girl's night."


For some reason Emma got me out of bed and to a karaoke bar. She said it was the best medicine.

But getting there I almost fainted when I saw Ezra speaking to the operator about what song to sing.

When Emma saw me moving to the door again, she grabbed my arms and steered me towards a seat.

I watched miserably as he got on the stage and adjusted the mike.

"Hi everyone. So this song goes out to a girl whose heart I recently broke and I don't know how to fix it. But she's here tonight and I would like her to just keep an open mind." He began and then the music began.

A piano started and the next thing I knew he was looking straight at me, singing.

"Six on the second hand to new year's resolutions

And there's just no question what this man should do.

Take all the time lost, all the days that I cost.

Take what I took and give it back to you.

All this time we were waiting for each other.

All this time I was waiting for you.

We got all these words, can't waste them on another

So I'm straight in a straight line running back to you.

I don't know what day it is

I had to check the paper

And I don't know the city, but it isn't home.

But you say I'm lucky, to have something that loves me,

But I'm torn as I could be wherever I roam."

The song went on for another while, but I felt my heart melt in that time. I couldn't stay mad at him. I loved him.

So I did the only thing I could.

I forgave him and ran up to the stage.

And he caught me, the same way he always does.



Hey guys!

So the song's name THAT HE SANG is OneRepublic's All This Time.

Please note that this is not the chapter song. For this chapter I decided not to put one in.

I hope you enjoyed it!



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