First dates and Heart Breaks

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Tiffany's pov

I feel horrible, I don't really feel anything for Louis anymore and I feel so bad. I've found out from the boys that he really really likes me and then there's me who doesn't feel anything. I walk to the lads hotel room with Millie as she wants to meet them.

"Hey Tiffany!" Louis greeted. Great. My lips quivered as I was about to cry. I push past Louis roughly with Millie awkwardly following. She knows about my dilemma and she feels bad for me. I walk into the lounge to see all the boys apart from Louis who is behind me confused.

"L-Lou please leave I need to talk to the boys oh and Millie, this is one direction. Liam, Zayn, Louis, Niall and Harry" I said pointing to each one of them when I named them. Louis nodded clearly hurt, leaving the room. I can't believe I just caused him that pain, again, I feel horrible for doing this to him.

The boys frowned at me when we sat down.

"What was that for??" Liam asked clearly shocked. My eyes started to water.

"G-guys, I don't l-like Louis like that anymore.. I thought I did but I realize I d-don't!" I cried. They all sighed coming over to hug me, millie did too.

"So what then? this was just all a game to you?!" A voice that was all too familiar asked with a shaking voice. oh god... Louis heard...

I sighed in frustration.

"Louis! I'm so s-sorry!" I kept crying. I'm hurting him so much that the guilt is practically eating me inside out.

"Save it." He sneered.

"I knew this was all too good to be true. I knew you'd never like me back! I'm such a fool." He kept beating himself up about this.

"L-Louis I'm sorry, I swear I had feelings for you but I guess they weren't that big... I'm so so sorry for leading you on!" I wailed.

He sighed.

"I just, I just need space, I'm going out" He mumbled slamming the door on his way out.

Millie's pov

I felt so bad for Tiffany, she didn't mean to lead him on. Niall kept looking at me every now and then smiling and I would always return it. He came over and sat with me.

"Hey Mill! can I call you that?" he seemed kind of nervous when he asked that.. I smiled.

"Yeah! that can be your special nickname for me" I grinned. He laughed nodding.

"Do you u-um wanna hang out sometime?" He stuttered blushing slightly."

"Sure, I would love to Ni" I smiled. His face lit up at my nickname for him.

"Hey um I better go..." I smiled sadly.

"Aww! noooo! Fine but give me your number so we can text" He pouted. I laughed giving him my number then leaving after saying bye.

Michaels pov

"When did Tiffany say she was coming overrr" Ashton whined pouting. We all sighed. It's quite obvious that he likes her and he doesn't need to admit it, it's not hard to miss. Speaking of Tiffany, when we met I knew we'd be close friends.

"Yeah! I want my soon to be bestie over here!" I laughed. We were all sad because Tiffany and her friends were basically our friends now and we're leaving in two days.

"ASHY DONT GO FOR HER! WHAT ABOUT WHAT WE HAD!" Calum whined playfully.

"What something?" Ashton scoffed smirking. Calums' mouth was agape and he was obviously shocked at that answer making us all crack up laughing.

"I can't believe my Ashy is growing up" Luke pretended to wipe a year away from under his eye.

"Yo bitches I'm here!" We recognized that voice straight away.

"TIFFANY!!!!" We cheered racing over to her.

Calum whispered something in Luke's ear making him grin nodding at whatever Cal said. Luke walked over to me and whispered in my ear

"Lets leave so Ashton can ask Tiffany out on a date right now it's the one he got us to help plan.." I clicked realizing what he meant and I nodded.

"Uh we have to go and um.. see the penguins because I haven't seen the ones here in Auckland yet" Luke lamely excused us. Ashton knew the plan and thank god she was wearing a decent outfit for it. We awkwardly left the two in our room and made our way out to go prepare the date.

Lets just hope she says yes...

Ashton pov

"Um Tiffany Can I ask you something?" I stuttered. Jesus I was being a fool. The boys had just left to go set up our date. I owe them big time.

"Yeah sure" she grinned.

"U-um well do you want to go out sometime?" I asked nervously fiddling with my thumbs.

"Is the Ashton Irwin trying to ask me out on a date?" she playfully smirked. I groaned mentally, why is she doing this to me??

"Well yeah" I nervously smiled. she giggled.

"Well then Mister Irwin, I would love to go on a date with you" She laughed.

"Well lucky you're wearing that babe because the date is right now!" I cheered dragging her to the car after locking the hotel room door.

"Wait what?! I'm not ready! I don't have make up on or anything!!!" She proclaimed.

"Babe you look fine! You don't need make up! you'd just be covering up that natural beauty that you clearly have!" I retorted meaning every word. She went silent. I turned back to see her blushing.


I led her to the the grass where our date was. We were having a picnic in a daisy field. She gasped.

Tiffany's pov

I took in the surroundings. Ash had taken me to a daisy field to have a picnic. I was speechless. His face showed he was really worried. "y-you don't like it?" he asked. I frowned.

"Ash, I love it! This is so cute" He sighed in relief. Was he that worried? We sat down and started eating. We eventually finished and we were playing twenty questions when we were eating. We lay down in the field before Ashton sat up.

"Babe I'm gonna try make you a daisy chain" He smiled happily.

I stifled my laughter. I'm hoping he can actually make one. Eventually he successfully made one and he placed it on my head.

"You look even more perfect" I blushed at his comment. Our heads lost distance between each other before his lips met mine. Sparks were flying and I grinned into the kiss before his lips left mine so we could get air. I pouted at the loss of his lips.

"So Tiffany, wanna be officially mine?" He asked cutely.

"I would love to" I half-smiled before smashing my lips onto his. Life Couldn't be more perfect.

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