I'm done.

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Sineads pov

I walk into the lounge to see Tiffany practically frozen in place and the home phone on the ground. I guess she dropped it.

"Tiffany what's wrong?" I asked starting to get concerned considering she hadn't even acknowledged my presence.

"I-I can't sing anymore... there's no point! The doctor told me that I might get sick again so I have to stop singing and doing live performances for a while! Also they said that I will have to stop for roughly one year!" She cried tears running down her face.

Wait what??? She can't sing and perform live for a year? This must be killing her! She loves to sing, you can always hear her singing around the house.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked still slightly confused.

"I can sing at home randomly like I used to, but I can't like, record or perform live anymore apparently I might get overworked." She explained quietly.

"We need to tell all the others" I stated. She sighed nodding walking away to go get everyone.


Tiffany's pov

Everyone was seated and now I had to explain that I can't sing for a fucking year. What the hell am I meant to do???

"Guys, I have bad news for you, well actually it's mainly bad for me. Um, I just got a call from my doctor and because of how sick I was in hospital, I can't perform live or record music anymore" I said.

"Babe that's horrible! How long?" Ashton asked.

"O-one year..." I said trying not to cry.

This is going to be so hard, I love singing and music, it's my life! Yet now I can't do any of that.

"Can we change the subject to something fun now?" I whined. Everyone nodded.


I smirked. "You just want to relive your keek! You know, the one where you giggled like a little girl Ashton? Well I suggest we have a dance party!" Ashton blushed. Everyone agreed to my idea.

Kate and I raced over to our huge sound system and blasted the boys latest single. 'She Looks So Perfect' I am literally hooked on the song. I blast the song.

I turn around to see the boys smirking at Kate and I. We blushed.

"What! We like the song okay??" Kate and I whined embarrassed.

I wish Ashton got solos but I understand why he can't really, because he's on drums and it's not exactly the easiest to sing and drum. Trust me I've tried. It's alright if it's acoustic though.

I pouted and Ashton saw so he danced his way over to me making me laugh.

"What's wrong love? Don't pout! even though it's extremely cute."

"I wish you got some solos" I pouted.

He sighed "it's-" I cut him off by saying the rest in sync with him "not exactly the easiest to sing and drum trust me I've tried" we both laugh at our stupid in sync sentence.

Luke's pov

I walk over to Kate smirking.

"So love, a bit of a fan are we?" I tease. She blushed.

"Shut up! I've always been a fan, and you've always been my favourite, not my fault you guys are perfect..." she whines mumbling the last two parts.

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