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Tiffany's Pov

I walk downstairs to talk to the others. "guys I'm going to meet up with one direction and kate is coming, anyone want to come with?" I said. The others just burst out laughing thinking I wasn't serious. I sighed. "guys I'm serious" sinead just gave me a 'do-you-think-I'm-stupid?' look. "okay well since tiffany is meeting up with one direction, I'll go with. Alyssa, Millie, you coming?" they shook their heads vigorously. We went to my car and got in. I checked my phone for a text because I had texted louis saying it was me and I saw he had.

Meet us at the Skytowerrrrr :)

-Louis xx

I laughed and started driving to the location.


We were currently walking around inside the Skytower looking for Louis. It wasn't going well because we had no bloody idea where he was. I suddenly bumped into a tall figure. "oh my god I'm so sorry!" I panicked. "it's ok" The person laughed. He had a British accent. "Hey Tiffanaaay" He said in a weird voice. I was creeped out. how did he know my name? I slowly started backing away. He then burst out laughing. oh my god his laugh is so.. perfect. wait... he sounds like a guy I know... I sighed "hey louis" I grinned. I called my friends over to tell them I found him. they all said hi. "so louis how are you enjoying New Zealand?" I asked.

"Oh it's great!" he said.

"Heey Lewis!" Sinead greeted. I groaned. "sinead we went over this in the car it's louis, zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry NOT Lewis, Zen, Leeam, Neil and hairy." Louis raised an eyebrow at us questioningly. "sinead thinks that your names are the ones I said but she does know your real names don't worry." he nodded sighing in relief. we all walked around the tower doing nothing until Kate bumped into someone. "Oh my god I am so sorry!" they both said at the same time. they laughed. "No, I'm sorry!" they both said in sync again. Kate blushed. "Im sorry" she murmured obviously embarrassed with how this turned out. Me, Louis and Sinead were looking at them in amusement. Louis obviously knew who the stranger was. They were wearing a hat hiding their face and a big jacket. "who is he?" I whispered in his ear. "it's liam" He replied quietly. I nodded in realization.

Louis pov

Tiffany was beautiful. She has dark blue hair, obviously dyed and big brown eyes. she was like, perfect. I saw liam headed towards us because the others came with me claiming they wanted to see the tower when I know they just wanted to meet the girls. Liam and Kate bumped Into each other and I smirked. Kate and him will end up together and I know it. With my master skills at making relationships, we'll have a Kiam soon.. hehehe... I zoned in when I saw tiffany waving her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. I shook my head "what?" I asked. She just laughed shaking her head at me. oh my god her laugh...

Stop it louis you can't like her it hasn't even been 3 hours. you've barely even talked to her alone!

So? she's perfect.

I mentally sighed.

Louis, Just wait a little while, get to know her better before you say you like her okay?

Okay. I listened to my inside thoughts and zoned back into reality. she's probably taken by someone anyways.


We ended up all at the hotel me and the boys are staying in. Currently we were lying around bored. "Liamm I'm bored!" Harry whined. Liam sighed. "Well I don't know what we could do sorry Harry." he apologetically smiled. "We should play twenty questions." I turned to face Tiffany. "I'm doing it with you" I happily stated. Her eyes went wide. "w-what?" she stuttered. What? ohhh... I smirked at her. "well love that's not what I meant but if you really want to w-" I was cut off by her covering my mouth with her hand. "Shut up" she whined. "ok let's play" I said.

"So who's starting?" she asked. I pointed to me and she nodded smiling.


"I'm 19" she smiles

"Favourite colour?" she asked.


"I CAN'T DO THIS LOUIS!" She yells.

Why?" I ask.

"Because I'm a directioner. I know everything about yo- EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU YOU YOU IT'S EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO DO DO FROM THE WAY THAT WE KISS BABEH" she yells. oh god.. "How about I ask you 20 questions then love?" I suggest. she nods smiling.

"Favourite colour?"




"If you work, what's your job?"

"Umm... I'm signed as a singer.."

"Oh! that's cool! You have to sing to us one time!" by now everyone was listening to learn stuff about her.


"Um one. Shes 7 years older.. Natasha"

"Cool umm best frannnnd?"

"Haha YOUUU" I proclaimed laughing.

"Yaaay! natural hair colour?"

"Black with brown and red in it"

"Favourite book?"

"Where we are."

"I can't think of any other questions" I whine. Sinead comes over to us. "Hey tiffany we should go it's a bit late and we left millie and Alyssa home alone. how stupid are we?" I laugh.


Tiffany's pov

We were home and I was lying in bed texting Zayn, we bonded quickly when we got to their hotel room this afternoon. (me in normal him in bold)

Hey Tiffany (:

Hey Zayn it was cool meeting you today. I'm a fan lol. I need to talk to you about something...

Haha awesome and okay.. Are you alright? you can talk to me about anything you know that right? X

Yeah I know that, thanks Zayn (: it's just that when I met Louis today, I noticed that when we got to your hotel room that it felt weird whenever we touched.. I felt tingles lol :P

You like him. and eventually that's going to turn into love. because if that's the case, you're falling for him. ;D

Oh god.. zayn I can't. could I maybe come over to talk about it? (:

Sure babe text me when you're in the building :)


I entered the hotel room to be greeted by someone engulfing me in a hug. "Tiffanyyyy!" they cheered. "hey Louis" I laughed. "Why are you here?" he curiously asked. "I need to talk to zayn about um.. Stuff" his face fell when he realized I wasn't going to tell him why I was going to talk to him.

I got to his room and entered closing the door behind me. "hello zayn" I said. "hey babe, why don't you want to fall for Louis? sure he's crazy but he's a great gu-" I cut him off "no, I want to but I've had my heartbroken before and I don't want to again" I felt tears welling up in my eyes. no! I blink the tears away, he isn't worth my tears. I couldn't help it but I started crying. he sighed "come 'ere love" he enveloped me in a hug and we stayed like that before I went home.

Oh Louis why do you have this affect on me.

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