Friends you say?

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*Day after last concert of tmh tour all the girls joined them on the rest of the tour (1 month later) *

Ashton's pov

I can't believe the tour is over. We are all at the airport and apart from us there's only a few classy looking business men around. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and I turn around to see Tiffany there grinning at me. "Hey babe! Are you guys going to LA to record or home?" she asks. "We're going home for like two weeks and then heading over to LA" I answered. She nodded walking away to talk to the other girls. I went to go find The boys. (5sos)

Tiffany's pov

I walk over to the big group which were the 1D boys and the girls.

"Hey guys.." I murmur. I haven't exactly been on speaking terms with any of them because they hate what I did to Louis. All their heads apart from Louis' snap towards me and glare at me. "Go away." Kate sneered. Wait what? "W-what?" I stuttered.

"You heard her, Leave. No one wants you here! You just go hurt Louis and then go date someone not even twenty four hours after! You're a bitch and a slut. Fuck off" Millie- Amelia boomed. My eyes widened in fear. What's gotten into her??! "S-Sinead?" My voice trembling. She sadly looks at me then walks away with the other girls. I felt a tear roll down my cheek and then a stinging feeling following after. I turned to see that Harry had just slapped me... "You bitch! You just think that you can waltz on over here and act like it didn't happen?! Well it did and none of us are forgiving you!" Louis was holding him back. "come on Haz let's just...go..." he mumbled walking away with the lads. Where are they going? Oh... The girls walk through the terminal with the lads and I stand there staring until I can't see them anymore.

"Baby what happened?" Ashton asked. "T-they hate me Ash! They never want to talk to me again!" I cried. He soothingly rubbed my back and we all made our way to the terminal to head to Sydney.

I was seated with Ashton beside me and Michael on his right, yeah I got the window seat after heaps of complaining. Calum and Luke sat in front of us talking about how excited they were to go home. I start to think about my life. Like why did I have to break Louis' hopes like that? I can't believe I led him on. It's cost me eight of my friends and it feels horrible. I zoned back into reality when I heard all the boys shouting my name. I shook my head. "what?" They all started laughing as the flight attendant walked away pissed off. I grab my iPhone and earphones out of my bag putting the earphones in my ears I put all my music on shuffle and closed my eyes to sleep for the trip. just before I fall asleep I feel Ashton get my left earphone out putting it in his ear going to sleep aswell after he grabbed my hand.


Luke's pov

"Aww they look so cute do we have to wake them?" calum whined. "Yes Cal, yes we do as cute as it is because the plane has landed and we can't stay here forever. I DIBS NOT WAKING THEM UP!" I said. No one dares waking up Ash and Tiffany because they're harsh when they have to be woken up.. Calum called dibs not leaving Michael to do the honours. Oh how weird we are...


A/N: okay guys i know this is short and I know I never update so asking this I guess isn't fair but I want to know if people actually like this story sooo can I get 4 votes on this chapter for the next one? :) pretty pretty pleaseeee? :3 shank shoo! :D

Anywhore I'm gonna go now :)




until next time pandicorns!!!

-Tiffany x

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