Heart skips a beat

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*3 days later*

Michaels pov

We were all seated on the plastic chairs against the walls in the Auckland Hospital.

We were all shaken up because Tiffany just collapsed on stage and none of us know why.

Kate was trying to calm Ashton down, the girls and the other lads were all together trying to stay calm, for Tiffany's sake.

She slipped into a coma when she was being brought to hospital but she's still alive and breathing so that's the best we can get I guess.

"Here for Tiffany Drew?" We all stood up hearing the doctors voice.

"You guys can go visit her now, but she isn't awake yet and only one at a time" she said smiling sympathetically.

"Kate you go first, you're her best friend" Ashton spoke up.

"What? no, you are, you're her boyfriend so you should go" she replied stubbornly.

Ashton shook his head no.

"No no, i'll go last okay? someone else go" He said quietly.

"Fine I'll go" Sinead said walking into her room.

Sinead pov

I walked in and saw her all hooked up and I hated it. I don't like seeing her or any of my friends in pain. I can't stand it.

I walk over to her bed and sat on the chair beside it.

"Tiffany, if you can hear me, please wake up... Everyone misses you. It's been three days and we've been visiting each day all day. I really miss my human, we can't talk in sync anymore.. LIKE THE BAND!!! And i'm sad, I really miss you. I'm gonna go now, please don't go." I stood up and left.

Alyssa went in and I sat down silently. No one dared to speak. We were all too sad.

Alyssa pov

"Tiffany please wake up. I miss you so much, i'm sorry I hated one direction and i'm sorry that I made fun of your obsession. I-I just, I just miss you so much. Im going now..." I left.


Kate's pov

Everyone had gone in apart from me and Ashton.

I was too scared to go see her but I stood up and went in.

What I saw made me want to cry. She was all hooked up and She looked in pain.

I sat down and started talking to her.

"Hey Clifford. How are you? I can't even ask because I know you can't reply. So how am I? I'm horrible. I miss you so so much and seeing you like this hurts me. I really want you to wake up, I wish you would wake up and everything would go back to normal." I feel tears rolling down my cheeks so I stood up and I leave sitting down on a chair.

"Your turn Ash" I smiled sadly at him.

He sighed shakily and went in.

Ashton pov

I walked in and saw her all hooked up. I literally wanted to cry, she looked in so much pain and it kills me knowing I can't stop it.

"Baby I want you to wake up, I miss you so much, everyone is missing you and we're so upset. I love you so so much and I never want to let you go." I grab ahold of her hand and slightly squeeze it.

"Baby if you can hear me, please squeeze my hand" I whispered.

She squeezed my hand and my eyes went wide yet soon I felt the grip loosen and the heart monitor go to one key. NO!

I looked up and saw a flat line.

I pressed the attention button panicking. She can't die!

"HELP TIFFANY'S DYING HERE THE LINE HAS GONE FLAT! PLEASE, PLEASE HELP HER" I screamed to no one in the hall. Immediately doctors rush into her room trying to revive her.

They pushed me out of the room and I kept protesting. The girls were crying their eyes out and the boys were pretty damn close to it.

I watched through the window as they tried reviving her using a defibrillator. I feel tears streaming down my face.

"CLEAR!" One of the doctors says and another shocks her chest. I flinch. That looks painful.

It didn't work so once again.

"CLEAR!" Another shock.

The doctors give each other doubtful glances as if to say 'I don't think she'll make it'

"One more time... CLEAR!" Shock.

"Yes! it worked guys! She's alive! wait... SHE WOKE UP GUYS" i cheer.

Everyone rushes over and the doctor opens the door and we all pile in.

Tiffany's pov

I open my eyes and see all my friends pile through the door.

"Glad to see you're awake Ms.Drew, boys and girls please take a seat." They all quickly scamper to seats and shut up.

"Now Tiffany, do you know why you are here? Or where you are?" The doctor asked me.

"Um, I think i'm at Auckland Hospital and I don't know why... Also, what's your name?"

She laughs. "Call me Sophie or Soph. Also, you collapsed on stage and fell unconscious for three days" I gaped.

What? three days??? I wonder why I collapsed...

"You collapsed because your lungs shut down. It was obviously unexpected. Do you have any current sicknesses that may have caused it?" She asked genuinely concerned.

I shook my head no and she nodded writing on her clipboard.

"If you're feeling up to it, you can go home today after we prescribe you with some medication." she half smiles. I grin nodding eagerly.

I suddenly feel nauseous grabbing the metal bin beside my bed before throwing up. I look down and see it's actually blood. WHAT THE FUCK?!?

Sophie gasped mumbling curse words. The guys and girls looked worried for me.

I felt tears welling up, my throat hurt so badly.

Ashton came over to me and comforted me.

"Considering you just threw up blood, you're gonna have to stay here a few days while we run a few tests... is that okay? I just want to find out why you're sick" Sophie said. I nodded.

"It's fine Soph" my voice sounded hoarse and rough. I cringed at the sound.

*3 weeks later*

Tiffany pov

It's been three weeks and they've let me come home but I have to take it easy. They were gonna call me sometime this week so I can finally find out what's wrong with me.

"Tiffany the phones ringing do you want me to answer it?" Michael yelled from downstairs. I yelled no and raced downstairs grabbing the phone and answering.

(T- Tiffany d-doctor)

T- hello?

D- hello is Tiffany drew there?

T- yes, I'm Tiffany

D- well I would like to tell you that we have found out why you were sick. it's passed now but it may come back.

He told me what I had and I nearly fainted. I couldn't have... Could I?

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