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Liam's pov (a/n: heh didn't expect that huh c; )

I woke up seeing the bedroom lit by morning Sun rays shining through the window. I sit up stretching and see that Zayn is already out of bed, we share a room. (a/n: they have a huge penthouse at a hotel okay? lol)

That's weird because Zayn is always usually last or second to last awake and up. Im usually the first.. I get out of bed and make my way to my suitcase. I grab a pair of black skinny jeans, not as bloody tight as Harry's though! I grab a white short sleeve top to pair with the jeans and head to our bathroom. I get in the shower automatically relaxed by the hot water coming in contact with my skin. I get dressed after and head to the kitchen to see Zayn, Harry and Niall up eating breakfast. "Morning lads, Where's Lou?" I ask. I hear a chorus of 'mornings' and I grab two pop tarts from the cupboard and pop them in the toaster then boil the jug for making some coffee. "Dunno mate, yesterday night he went to see Tiffany because she'd finished at the studio then he didn't come back." Niall informed me. I nodded. "it's cool that we've now got more friends here" Harry grinned. I shook my head smiling at the idiot. I get my pop tarts and make myself a cup of coffee before seating myself at the table. Zayns phone suddenly lit up, an incoming call from Louis. He has some explaining to do. Zayn immediately answered.

"I'm so stupid Zayn!" Louis sobbed. What the heck?

"Woah, mate, calm down, what's wrong?" Zayn asked concerned of Louis' state.

"S-she doesn't like m-me" he choked out. Zayn tried comforting him over the phone but it wasn't working, Louis said that he was on his way back to the hotel now.

"What was that about?" Niall wondered. We all just shrugged at him not knowing how to answer.


We heard a knock on the door and knowing the boys, they were too lazy to go answer it so me being the kind gentleman I am, I go answer it. I open the door to see a tear-stained face Louis. He immediately hugged me. we went and sat with the others.

"Lou what's wrong?" Harry asked concerned at his best friend.

"Tiffany doesn't like me b-back" he cried. Woah, please Don't tell me she went and told him that straight up...

"How do you know?" I cautiously asked.

"Because when I visited her, she ended up crying over her ex saying she missed him. obviously that means something!" He said. We all sat in silence.

"I'm sure she does Lou, just give her time." Niall said.

"But that's the thing Ni! We don't have time! We're leaving New Zealand in three days! How the hell would it work in three days. Tell me Niall. How?" Louis' voice was rising and he gave a sarcastic smile at the end to the Irish leprechaun. Niall shrugged. "Dunno mate but it could if you went back over there and tried to make it work or tried to get somewhere with her" He advisedly said. Louis gave a small smile.

"Yeah, maybe I should try, huh?" We all nodded.

"OW MICHAEL WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" We heard Ashton's voice in the hotel rooms across from us. Oh god.. We all ran to their room where the noise came from to see Michael holding a plastic bat his eyes widened as he saw us and Ashton covering his head with his arms. Niall was doubled over laughing his head off. "Hai dere?" Michael tried.

"Now Mikey, violence isn't the answer" Niall playfully smirked. Ashton was still in his protection position. "guys... help me..." He was clutching his head because of the pain that bat caused. why am I friends with all these idiots? Sigh. I smile at these people I've grown to love.


A/N: Heey guys I know this chapter isn't long but I wanted to get something up lol. How's everyone? are you guys on school holidays or is it just me? haha (: it's like 12:05am here haha I started writing this like only half am hour ago (: idek why I'm still up... lol

Until next time my crazy ass unicorns (:

-Tiffany x

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