Chapter 9: Natsu and Zeref

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Natsu's P.O.V.

Warning: Mild violence. Ages 13+ up unless you have permission to read violence.

Zeref. Why is he here? He better not have hurt Happy. I'll kill 'im. There were a million thoughts flying throughout my head. I narrowed my eyes and balled my fists, getting ready for a fight. Zeref smirked and leaned away from the door, standing properly now.

"Long time, no see Natsu. You've grown. Last time I saw you, you were in fourth grade. Happy was in kindergarten." Zeref said, his bangs covering his eyes. "Zeref, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice was tense, it was hard to talk.


I woke up at six and groaned. I wasn't supposed to wake up until seven. But I heard my mom's voice. "Natsu! I know it's early, but come get your breakfast!" she yelled. She sounded different, but I thought it was just a cold.

I hopped out of bed and bolted down the stairs. "M-Mom?" I asked. I saw Zeref with an evil grin on his face, holding Happy in his arms with a knife to his neck. "Natsu!" Happy screamed. He was crying. I knew I had to save him. But even if I couldn't, I wanted him to smile. Everyone should smile, even in their toughest moments. Even if it's fake. Smile.

"Happy, it's going to be okay. I'll save you. But do one thing for me first. Smile." I said, tears welling up in my eyes. Happy looked straight at me with understanding in his eyes. He smiled through the fear, through the tears. I tuned in on Zeref after that.

"Looking for mom? She's not here. I killed her. And dad." Zeref said evilly. I was surprised that Happy was still holding his smile. He was only six, yet he was stronger than I ever imagined. I gritted my teeth, holding back tears and clenching my fists.

Zeref narrowed his eyes and brought the knife closer to Happy. "I wanted to kill your precious little brother in front of your eyes, though." he said. But I was too fast for him. I hopped behind him and grabbed the knife. But he already cut Happy. It was on his arm though. A scar for life. We fought for what felt like forever, but I eventually won.

I couldn't take a break to catch my breath. I grabbed Happy and we ran out of the house.

Flashback Over

I stared at Zeref, tears in my eyes. How he killed my father, Igneel, I never knew. He was a Navy Seal. He came home for a little bit from injuries. But he died that night. It was Zeref's fault. I disliked him. I don't hate people. No. Everyone needs a second chance.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, the tears flowing down my face. He sighed and took a step toward me, but I gave him a warning glare. I was strong. Especially with fire around. I don't know why. He took a step back. "Look, Natsu I'm sorry." he said. But I saw through his lies. "Why? Why did you *swallow*. Why did you kill mom and dad? Why did you try to kill Happy? Zeref. I-I used to look up to you. You helped me learn how to read when dad was overseas. You taught me how to write. You were the one that enrolled me in school one day, even though we didn't have the money. So why? What happened?" I asked, not able to control the tears streaming down my face.

"Natsu, I did it because Mavis died. She was my girlfriend. I missed her, and it caused me to wreak havoc. I'm sorry." Zeref said. Lies. Lies, lies, lies. I thought. "Happy doesn't remember that day, or anything before that. Once day he asked me about the scar on his arm. I lied. I lied to my brother. You made me do that! I told him it was our old dog that we NEVER had. I was forced to lie. Zeref, it's hard to lie. It's hard to sleep at night. It's hard." I replied, my voice faltering.

"I'm truly sorry Natsu. But what about your girlfriend, doesn't she help you through that?" Zeref asked. At least that time he didn't lie. "I broke up with her." I replied. I looked up and saw Zeref's shocked face. Lisanna and I have been together for five years before I broke up with her. "Why?" he asked. "She was bullying the new girl." I replied. "Oh. Wise choice. Well, what about your friends, do they help?" Zeref asked. I nodded.

"Natsu, I'm sorry I caused you this pain. I was mentally unstable. But I went to rehab. I'm better now. I wanted to see you and Happy." Zeref said. "Like I'm letting you near Happy. You will NOT hurt him. Ever. Again." I replied. Zeref nodded. "I understand. You still have my number on your phone, right? Send me a picture of him at least. Bye Natsu." Zeref replied as he walked off.

I walked into my house and got ready for school. Unfazed by the conversation. But I sat on my bed and thought about Lucy. I feel happy around her, like nothing has ever happened. I smile a real smile around her. I've always plastered a fake smile on my face until now. I know I love her, but we just met. It's ridiculous. But..I can't deny that I love her. Because I know. I love her more than I've ever loved Lisanna. Which I guess I had a tiny crush on her. But, no. Not anymore. I thought. And I got up and walked to school, lost in thought.

Heyo! I hope you guys liked it! I didn't mean to leave you on a cliffhanger for this long. I honestly was going to write and publish this morning, but I saw Rogue One instead. (AWESOME MOVIE! Jyn is my fave character!) But, I hope you liked it. PEACE OUT!

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