Chapter 14: Mystery

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Lucy's P.O.V.

It was almost my birthday: July sixth, and I was going to be eighteen. A legal adult. Natsu was always a few months older than me, so he was already eighteen. His birthday is May fifth. I wasn't planning anything special other than a night out at the festival with Natsu. 

I told my friends I didn't want to do anything for my birthday, but Natsu asked me out anyway and I said yes. But if he wasn't my boyfriend, or if he wasn't Natsu, I would've said no. But it was July fourth and I slept in. 

I woke up to the faint smell of pancakes. I raised an eyebrow, not only because I didn't have any pancake mix, but because I didn't know who could be making them. I slowly got up in confusion and walked slowly out of my bedroom. 

I sighed as I walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. I saw a certain pinkette in the kitchen. I walked up to his side. "Hey." I greeted. "Hey." he replied with a smile as he tilted his head just a little bit to look at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked. He shrugged. "I was bored and Happy was at Carla's, so I decided to come over here and make you pancakes." he replied.

I smiled at his answer, although it wasn't the one I was looking for. "No I mean how did you get in?" I asked. He held up a key. "You gave me a spare key, remember?" he replied. *Mental face palm* How did I forget? I thought. "Well, that's not fair. Now I'm bored." I replied. I saw him smirk. "Then make eggs." he replied. "K." I said as I grabbed eggs from the fridge and started to make scrambled eggs for me, and over-easy for him. It was his favorite. 


After we both ate, I did the dishes and Natsu cleaned up the mess he made. He was very messy when he cooks. "Want to go to the arcade today?" Natsu asked. "Sure." I replied. 

Natsu's P.O.V

After Lucy answered my question, she went to her room to get ready, which took FOREVER! But I sat on the couch, texting Lisanna the whole time. When I heard Lucy's footsteps behind me, I swiftly turned my phone off. She didn't need to see the texts. 

I stood up and asked, "You ready to go?" She nodded and we got into her truck. Ever since my accident, she was deathly afraid of my motorcycle I don't know why. 


Hey guys! Sorry about how short it was, I just didn't know what to do.....

Why was Natsu texting Lisanna?

Why didn't he want her to see the texts?

Stay tuned to find out! 

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