Chapter 16: New Job

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Lucy's P.O.V.

The next day was July fifth, and I had a job interview. I woke up early: at seven and took a hot shower. I got dressed in an all black pantsuit. (The only one I have) and had breakfast before leaving. I was applying for a job in astronomy. I just love the stars and space. 


(Sorry, I just don't know what goes on in interviews.)

I arrived back at home with a huge smile on my face. The interview went well, the interviewer, Ur was her name, said she will call me when anything turns up. I sat down on the couch and got a call from...Lisanna. I sighed and picked up. "Jealous?" she asked. "Uh, of what?" I asked, confused. "That Natsu's been hanging out with me instead of you, of course! Silly!" she replied. I felt the tears welling up again. "N-No, I am n-not." I said, stuttering. I heard her giggle before she hung up. 

I went to bed early that night. I didn't feel like eating or anything. I turned to look at my ceiling, as if looking up at heaven. "Mom, please give me a sign. Is he cheating on me?" I asked. But nothing came. So I took that as a yes. I cried myself to sleep that night and awoke at ten the next day. 

I got dressed reluctantly and ate. I just finished eating when I heard the doorbell. I stood up and shuffled to the door. "N-Natsu?" I asked when I saw my pinkette friend. "Don't tell me you forgot about the festival!" he replied cheerfully. I completely forgot it was my birthday, but not about the festival.

"I don't want to go." I replied, looking down. I could almost feel him stop smiling. "Luce?" he asked, concerned. "Y-You're cheating on me, aren't you!?" I asked, looking up into his eyes. His expression was pure shock. "L-Luce, where did you get that from?" he asked. "Just admit it Natsu!" I shouted, dodging the question. "Luce, I-" he started to say something but I interrupted him. "If you're not confessing, than don't talk to me!" I shouted, slamming the door.

Natsu's P.O.V.

I just stood there, staring at the door. Why does she think that? I thought. "Well, to be fair, I haven't showed her my texts, and I've been hanging with Lisanna." I said aloud. I sighed as I walked away. "How are we going to throw her a surprise party now?" I asked myself.


HEYO!! Sorry for having a cliffhanger for like four chapters straight. I just hope it wasn't crappy, bcuz that's the first time I've ever done that. 

How will they throw her a surprise party now? 

Why was Lisanna saying the things she said?

Read on to find out!

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