Chapter 11

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Beyoncé's POV

Jay and I have been driving for 3 hours. We just reached the middle of nowhere basically,it was a rural area,no where near the city,I have no clue where we are,I asked Jay but he just stayed silent,he's been a little off today and I have no idea why,we had some bomb ass sex last night,we went to bed happy,and he woke up stressed as fuck.

'Jay what's up with you today? Have I done something to upset you?' I asked slightly annoyed,I wanted to know what is deal was,whys he's been acting like a dick all morning. 'I gotta tell you something that might upset you' he said keeping his eyes on the road not daring to break the stare he had with the open air.

'Well go on then I said' rolling my eyes. 'Kanye is gonna find us,one of the duffle bags had he graft sign on it and Nicki spotted it which means Kanye definitely will,I'm sorry,I know this gonna scare you but I'm here remember that-' he said but I cut him off. 'When did Nicki tell you?' I asked staring at him,but he didn't dare stare into my anger filled eyes.

'Yesterday evening' he said. 'YOU FUCKING KNEW ALL DAMN NIGHT AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK WAS UP?!' I said practically yelling. I couldn't believe he kept this from me,he's suppose to be honest and up front about everything that's going on,he fucked me knowing that we could die soon,I know Kanye will be looking for us by now.

'Bey I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you,I didn't wanna worry you' he had the audacity to say. 'Boy please I been protecting yo ass this whole time,maybe if I didn't come to save your ass I wouldn't be in this fucking situation,being hunted down with a nigga who will kill me straight up!' I said facing the other way in the car.

'No one told you to come,you fucking volunteered,no one forced you,you didn't HAVE too Beyoncé' He said stopping the car on the side of the road,as if there were any other cars that needed to pass us while we were arguing,he just made my blood boil even more.

'You're so fucking right,I could have just let yo ass die on these streets for a dumb ass mistake you made,but instead I came with you because I love you,I wanted to protect you,willing to put my life in danger for YOU,but I wish I fucking stayed back,maybe you'd be more grateful for me and everything I've done for you,fuck you Jay!' I yelled getting out the car and slamming the door.

I didn't even bother look back at him,I didn't want him to see the tears falling from my face. How could he even say that? Does he even know how much he means to me? Does he know that I love him? He could have been dead by now if I didn't come with him,does he really feel that way?

I just walked,I didn't know where I was walking but I could feel Jay following me with his eyes,I didn't even have to look. Eventually I found this little cliff and I sat close to the edge,not to close so I would drop,but close enough to enjoy the scenery and think about my life.

I didn't want to dwell on what happened with Jay and I,I wanted to think that he was talking out of anger just like myself. I hated him for what he said,but I wanted to think he didn't hate me,I wanted to believe that he didn't think I hated him internally. But why wouldn't he tell me though? It frustrates me that he thinks that I can't take a piece of crucial information that effects both of us.

After a while of thinking,maybe 20 minutes,I heard a car which sounded like ours,the wheels were powerful and I could see the dust clouds forming behind me from the corner of my eyes.

I heard the door of the car shut and foot steps from heavy feet coming my way. I knew it was Jay. I didn't bother look or turn his way,I continued to stare into the canyon,the covered,caramel canyon letting the tears drop from my face.

He came and sat next to me following my actions,he stared right into the canyon as well. It was a breathtaking view in my opinion.

'I didn't mean what I said Bey.' He said breaking the silence which wasn't awkward,but I was kinda enjoying the peaceful quiet. I didn't say anything for a while,he just went back to staring into space. I didn't know what to say,I meant what I said,minus a few parts,but I knew that he understood that he hurt me.

Breaking the silence again he spoke with his husky voice. 'I am grateful for everything you have done and continue to do for me,you're right,I could be dead by now,but with you by my side I decided to fight a little longer and persevere with you,you keep me motivated and happy,sane,I appreciate you for going your hardest for me,no other female would even dare to do this,you're loyal,a queen,my queen. Anything you want,I got it,you ride for me ,I ride for you,ain't nothing about it baby.' He said,he didn't look at me this time,he just stared straight ahead of him.

I didn't want to ruin this moment,he hadn't seen,but he made me tear up even more,everything he just said made me realise the love that I have for this man,flaws and all,this was our first argument as a couple,this will get rocky,we have only been together for around a month maybe more. But there's no doubt that I love him,regardless.

I looked at this man,seeing a reflection of myself in his eyes,I saw someone who I needed,wanted,craved. My man,who would do anything for me, I know it.

I kissed his cheek softly and laid my head on his shoulder. I just wanted to feel his embrace. I felt him put his arm around my back,allowing me to be more comfortable and come closer to him,so we were only miller meters apart.

'I love you Jay' I said. I grabbed ahold of his hand rubbed it delicately with my thumb. 'I love you too Bey' he said. He turned his head to mine and we shared a passionate kiss,sending sparks through my entire body. I feel like this was the moment Jay and I had become attached at the hip, I couldn't be more thankful for him. My Shawn Carter.
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