Chapter 17

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Jay's POV

Seeing Kanye rape Nicki was an unseeable sight,I saw the blood on the floor that never use to be there,the bruises cuts and blood on the out skirts of Nicki's body. I was so ready,ready to murder this disgusting human.

'STOP PLEASE YOUR'E HURTING ME' Nicki cried,she pleading for her life,but he wouldn't get up. 'SHUT THE FUCK UP' he yelled slapping her face making her go silent and whimper quietly.

I was ready to reveal myself,after running all these months,I was ready to show Kanye that I wasn't afraid,I was ready to save my sisters life,I was ready to survive.

'I'm going in okay? Stay back.' I said to Bey just above a whisper. 'Be careful,he's armed and dangerous' she said warning me of the obvious. I could see the tears in my eyes,both a mix of the scenes she just had witnessed of Nicki and the actions of myself that were soon about to take place. Staring into her soul and almost losing myself in her love. 'I got you baby,I love you' I said kissing her forehead. That was the last thing I said to her.

Before she could even reply I made my first move.'GET THE FUCK OFF HER' I yelled walking out from the sea of boxes,revealing myself to both Kanye and Nicki.

'Well well well,it isn't the dumbass who's been running isn't it? Finally had the balls to come back and fight yourself huh?' He said moving his attention off of Nicki and onto me.

'Let her go and we can talk' I said feeling feeling firmly for my gun,cocking it back. 'You think you brave? You don't give me orders nigga' he said following my actions.

'Just let her go' I said pointing the gun at the floor. I was scared shitless about what he was going to do,but I never showed it,for Nicki and for Bey.

Nicki was looking at me with tears in her eyes,how could I allow such a vile thing to happen to her? I didn't do my job as her bother,her protector,I've failed her. As I look around this old,cold concrete palace,the memories flood back of what Kanye did to me,and I turn from sympathetic to complete killer.

'Let her go huh?,what if I just kill her instead?' He said smirking pointing the gun at Nicki. She screamed in fear but he just told her to shut the fuck up and be quiet. The room was silent for a moment,just 4 figures,3 visible,2 with agendas and 1 out of sight.

Randomly,Kanye cocked back his gun and pointed it back at Nicki who was just trembling in fear. 'Man just don't,kill me,don't kill her' I said pleading for Nicki,I couldn't see my sister go. I tried so hard to keep talking and stalling Kanye, I don't know what my plan was,but I needed to buy time to figure out how to save Nicki,with out shooting him instantly and with out wasting my few bullets.

'Fuck your pride,you didn't do your job,the ones you love will suffer,you know the motherfucking drill,you thought you were smart,but you weren't,you failed,you put her in danger,now she's done' he said.

With in a split second he pulled the trigger,letting two bullets race out from his gun ,with shades of red flying in the air and splattering all over the concrete floor.

I watched as the bullets hit Nicki's stomach and head,seeing the blood immediately flush out of her system onto the floor where it could have froze,her stomach was leaking with the red substance,she was dead,cold on the floor,with me standing in disbelief and Kanye looking at her smirking with pride and victory.

'I never liked you anyways' he said,bending down her to her body before standing back up again.
Bey's POV

I watched as Nicki's body lay lifeless on the ground,blood oozing from the organs. I stood in disbelief and awkwardness to what I just witnessed,but what I feared more was what would happen after this.

'HOW COULD YOU!' Jay yelled breaking his silence. Before Kanye couldn't even bat an eyelid,Jay picked up his gun and shot a bullet right into Kanye's stomach.

Watching this was nail biting,I didn't know what would happen,I just prayed to God that nothing bad happens to Jay or myself,my best friend has already been taken away from me,I can't lose anymore.

Kanye didn't fall,he just stumbled back,he was still conscious,he was still aware and not fully harmed. He picked his arm up aiming his gun back at Jay,firing a clean shot right at his heart.

It all happened to fast,seconds in the making. It took the last bullet that Kanye had,to kill the man that I loved.

Jay fell back onto the floor loosing all feeling in his body immediately. I saw his chest slow down. But my immediate reaction was revenge. I jumped out from the boxes firing continuous shots at Kanye,aiming anywhere on his body,thank god for the riffle that I picked up,fully loaded.

I couldn't think straight,all I wanted to do was the kill the man that killed half of me. He fell to the floor with blood gushing from every corner of his body,blood splattering everywhere,on me,on Jay and on Nicki. After a while I stopped firing as he laid on the floor, not breathing a single breath. He was dead,so was Nicki,so was... Jay.

I ran over to Jay's almost lifeless body and broke into tears. I tried to cover up his wound with my hand but all that I got was more blood on my hands and body,I tired to stop the bleeding but my pressure wasn't strong enough,I saw his chest slow down even more,making mine speed up. He was dying second by second.

'Baby please no,don't leave' I cried into Jay,he just looked at me with dead eyes. 'I,I love you' he spoke barley above a whisper,I could tell it caused him great pain to say,I just cried harder,I knew he couldn't keep this up for much longer.

In that moment,the man that I loved took his last breath in front of me. My heart broke and I felt my entire body go numb. With Jay and Kanye's blood all over my hands,face and clothes and Nicki's dead body laying adjacent from me,I closed Jay's eyes with my bloody fingers.

'I love you so much' I whispered with tears in my eyes and streaming down my cheek,although he couldn't hear me I still felt like it needed to be said.

I sat against the wall next to Jay and examined the dormant bodies,one who belonged to a rapist,my best friend and the love my life,praying the person who found us, would also kill me.
You mad or nah?
Next chapter will be the epilogue and then this is doneeeeee💩
Thanks for reading ✨
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I appreciate you all 💕

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