Chapter Three: Are You Okay?

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"LOOK OUT!!" a familiar flamboyant voice screamed at you. Your eyes widened as you saw a familiar flash of a red scarf. But before you could comprehend what was happening, the tall skeleton shoved you out of the way just in time to see him take the hit.

It splat across his chest and you watched as he fall over the snow. He just lie there, not moving a joint.

You heard a loud screech. And it hit you with nostalgia as you realized what kind of noise it was. It was like one of those school assemblies where the principal wasn't very much technology wise and would make the speakers screech so agonizingly because of the microphone.

You couldn't remember what it's called for your mind was baffled into the scene before you. You watched Mettaton scramble to get to his beloved. His arms wrapped around him as he cradled him tenderly.

But why? Why would Papyrus do that?

You heard a deep snicker to your left. You turned your head to see what caused it.

A short skeleton.

"heh, that was a bone-afide shot!" The skeleton chimed. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at such a pun in a time like this. You still couldn't shake the idea why Papyrus protected you.

Your thoughts were immediately cut short when you heard a loud whirring sound. Snapping your head towards the cyborg you knew and had grown to love, you saw purple sparks coming out of its arm. And only now did you realize what he was trying to do.

"Oh, no." You breathed in disbelief.

"You," Mettaton spoke in a low and terrifying tone. Sans popped open his right eye to see what was happening. Despite the terrifying aura Mettaton was surrounded with, the opposing team was very calm.

"yikes, prepare yourselves." Sans told his team as each grabbed a fistful of snowball. Except for Undyne who built a large boulder out of snow. How she did it was unbeknownst to you.

"ARE SUCH A FOOL!" Mettaton screeched rather loudly. Feedback. You remembered what it was called, and it was feedback.

The feedback Mettaton released did a number on your ears. You covered your ears in pain as the monsters didn't look affected at all. You watched as Mettaton reared his arm as the other remind buried in the snow. You realized what he was trying to do.

You opened your mouth to yell at him to stop. To reassure him it was just a friendly game of snowball fight. But your voice didn't come out as your own. Instead, it came out as a haul of insane laughter. Your eyes widened at Mettaton as his arm formed like one of those blasters you usually see in video games. It reminded you of a certain blue Navi character.

Soon, the blaster released an insanely amount of snowballs at lightning speed. Hitting Undyne who tried to protect Alphys, and Alphys who got hit as Undyne dramatically fell on the ground. Sans, however, dodged every attack like it was second nature. Moreover, he had his eyes closed. Wearing a calm expression. It made you realize that maybe the attack wasn't so intense. But seeing your fish and reptile friend covered in a pile of them, you debated otherwise.

Grillby, however, didn't bother dodging. The snowballs didn't get the chance to be near to where he stand as it started to melt at a certain rage. What confuses you is why his clothes hadn't turned into dust yet. Not that you wanted to see him topless. It's just curiosity after all. Right?

A few more shots of snowball until Mettaton collapsed to the ground. This caused panic to the sweet flamboyant skeleton. He stood up and picked his partner bridal style. "OH, DEAR. I THINK WE WENT A BIT TOO FAR THERE." he said in disbelief. He turned to you with such a saddened expression. "WE'RE SORRY WE WOULDN'T BE MUCH HELP ON YOUR TEAM, HUMAN. GOOD LUCK." And in such a dramatic and slow manner, Papyrus strolled back inside. With Undyne and Alphys hot on their heels.

It was a battle of two against one. The opposing team was consisted of four members. Being Sans, Grillby, Undyne, and Alphys. Two of which members had fallen down.

While yours consisted of four as well. Having yourself, Papyrus, Mettaton, and Napstablook. Napstablook was the one who fell down first, Undyne accidentally smacked his beloved hat off his head. Shattering it into the tears he made it with. He came home sobbing after that. You promised to visit him once you've eaten, though.

"still here, huh?" Sans’ deep voice spoke to you. Snapping you from your thoughts. You gave him a playful glare and decided to play along.

"One of your 'team' shattered my member's hat. I wouldn't let hat slip away." You told him with a shrug. He laughed instantly at the pun, and so did you.

"welp, good knowing you, kiddo." Sans smirked, "goodbye." As he finished his goodbye, a herd of snowballs hovered in the air, covered in blue aura. Your eyes widened at this as you scowled at him playfully.

"You cheater." You told him.

Sans only shrugged. "you'd be a goner, anyway." He chuckled, then flicked his wrist. You watched as each snowball approached you in lightning speed. And you closed your eyes tightly at this. Preparing for each hit.

. . . But nothing came.

You popped open an eye to see what caused the delay of your doom. In front of you was a very familiar red sweater decorated by tiny little Christmas trees. Your eyes widened at the sight of it. Realizing whom it belonged.

"welp, i'm going inside to eat some grub." Sans grinned, and went the total opposite of the door.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a raspy voice.

"Yeah." You answered him meekly.

The two of you stayed silent for a moment, before you decided to break it. "T-Thanks." You stuttered.

The fire creature turned around and your eyes widened once more as you saw what happened. He had snowballs stuck on his chest, two on both shoulders, and one for each side of his glasses. You held back a round of laughter as you swatted the snowballs off his torso.

You wiped the ones on his face with your handkerchief gently. Careful not to do any damage on his glasses. Through the process, Grillby's hand found your wrist, and he held onto it tightly. You stopped what you were doing and stared into what seemed to be his eyes. You couldn't tell what expression he was making. But you could see an unusual pink color dust over his cheeks.

Your cheeks warmed at this. "U-Uh, sorry!" You exclaimed, pulling your hand away from his face and stepping a few feet back. You didn't realize how close you were to him till he held onto your wrist. Your bodies were pressed together, with no space in between.

"It's alright." Your head snapped to his direction, he would usually take an entire decade to answer. But he did it in a heart beat. "Do you want to go inside?"

With a flushed cheek and a thumping heart, you nodded gleefully. As you faced the door ahead of you, you were about to take a single step forward, that was until you felt something warm wrap itself around your hand. Knowing whose warmth it was, you proceeded walking towards the door to your new Home hand-in-hand with your former boss with bright red cheeks.

Indeed, this was far most the best Christmas you've ever had. And scenarios like this? Miraculously filled you with
D E T E R M I N A T I O N.

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