Chapter Eleven: Well, No.

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Beads of sweat trickled down your forehead as you wiped it away with your forehand. Breathing an instant sigh of relief, you smiled at your work and placed it down on your table.

It was a miniature pie figurine made for your goat mother. With a content sigh, you glanced at the clock to see that it was almost time for home. Her birthday was just a couple of weeks before now, and it excites you just imagining what face she'd make when she see this.

"T-T-That's a very lo-lovely f-figurine, Y/n." A voice stuttered behind you, you craned your neck to meet Alphys fidgeting.

"You really think so?" You questioned with a smile to which, she nodded confidently. It was honestly the first time you've ever seen her do something confidently.

"Y-Y-Yeah! Is it f-f-for Toriel?" You couldn't help but smile at the mention of your new mother's name.

"Uh-huh. Her birthday is only a couple of weeks now."

"O-Oh? A-Are you going to t-throw her a surprise?"

Just as you opened your mouth to answer, a sound of the door being kicked open echoed through the entire lab. "Did someone just say . . . surprise?" A voice purred and within a blink of an eye, you saw Mettaton's legs at your sight.

"Hello to you, too, Metta. And yes, Alpyhs did mention it." You told him casually.

"What do you plan to do, darling?" Mettaton questioned, he strolled towards your desk and sat down quite gracefully. Pulling up his legs seductively. Instantly, you looked away and focused on the miniature pie figurine.

"Well, no." You told them bluntly, earning a dramatic gasp from Mettaton.

"Why, that doesn't sound good at all."

"You think?" You scoffed and ran your hand through your hair, "I just made my present, but I had no absolute idea what I really want to do with her birthday."

Mettaton sighed, looking much more troubled than you could ever be. "Oh, darling, why, that's not very assuring, is it?" You mirrored his sigh unintentionally, his words bringing you down and making you completely oblivious to what he was really trying to imply. "But perhaps, I could be of help? But of course, Toriel is your mother figure, I wouldn't want to ruin whatever you had in mind. I was just offering a little help, that's all."

Now crowded by the fact that you had no surprise for Toriel, you met the robot's gaze. Sighing in defeat, you hang your head low in shame, "Okay. What do you want in exchange?" Knowing Mettaton, he wouldn't do anything for free.

His lips immediately stretched into a flirtatious grin. "It's actually quite simple, darling." He purred, leaning unbelievably close to your face, "I only want you to invite my precious cinnamon boyfriend."

Furrowing your eyebrows, you crossed your arms and leaned back in your chair. "Isn't it a priority to invite the skeleton brothers?" You questioned, "Why do you want me to invite him when it's obvious that he's going since you're there."

"That's classified information, dear." He told you with a wink, you shivered slightly, unused to him being this way. Especially towards you.

"Okay, but . . . what do you plan to do?" You asked, but all he ever replied is his usual smirk.

"That, my dear, is a secret." He purred seductively in your ear. You couldn't help but get flustered by his actions. Soon enough, it was time for the diva to go.

You bid each other farewell, and Alphys immediately dismissed you before you could even continue work. You quickly realized that your work shift is over.

You gladly left the Lab and gleefully made your way to your favorite bar and resto.


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