Chapter Twenty-One: I'm Not Mad.

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Grillby brought you to the Riveman, where the both of you sat beside each other, watching the water splash all over the boat. Listening to the Riverman's riddles and songs.

Tralala, They, who come will go away and make this world a living grey, tralala. The Riverman sang as he sailed his boat slowly. Most of what he said didn't make sense, but you enjoyed the smoothness of his voice.

"I want to tell you something." Grillby suddenly spoke, breaking the silence between the both of you.

Tralala, I'd rather be, I'd rather me, I'd rather be the enemy, tralala~

"Something what?" You urged, putting your attention to him, seeing him blankly looking at the watery surface.

Tralala. They, who come will leave you be, giggling at your misery, tralala~

"I . . . I know you know I got jealous of Sans a while ago." He stammered and you raised a brow to tell him to continue. "And I just want you to know that I apologize." A smile painted your lips, "That was really immature of me and I shouldn't have done that. The kid—Sans, he just wanted to ease your worry. I shouldn't have . . . I'm sorry."

Tralala. Enjoy the days you two have left, before THEY comes, the terrible theft . . . . tralala~

"You shouldn't be telling me this. You should be apologizing to Sans." Grillby sighed and nodded.

"I know. It's just—" he paused as he looked into your eyes.

Tralala. The time has come, the clock resets. Our memories vanishing as the sun sets . . . tralala~

"You just?" You urged, and it was silent for half a minute until the boat stops.

"Tralala~ The journey ends from here on out, prepare yourselves for the season of drought."

Like you have always thought, the Riverman was indeed, a very mysterious person. You got off the boat with Grillby on your heels, he hadn't finished what he was trying to say a while ago. And it looked as if he wasn't going to bring it up, either.

So for a long way, the both of you stayed silent as you walked to another place. The faint singing of the Riverman was heard.

Tralala~ As drought comes near, no angels will hear. The melancholy your lover endears . . . tralala~

Your heart ached at the verse he sang. You didn't know nor did you understand why. And Grillby's silence didn't help much at all.

The both of you walked aimlessly. Grillby seemed to be in a deep thought as the Riverman's voice grew distant . . . until it was no longer heard at all. Silence now engulfed the both of you, and it was worst than the Riverman's songs.

You wished the Riveman would come back and sing sad songs just to ease the silence. But he never did. And you understood why. This is a problem that could only be solved by you, after all.

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