Chapter Seven: Fire!

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You slammed yourself into the huge door that stood mightily. You continued to push it until it creaked open. A blue aura suddenly surrounds it and it pushed itself open. With you dropping to the ground. But you didn't care. You were too engulfed in the fact that someone else was inside the house. Was inside your home. And they were alone with Toriel.

That much was an obvious priority. You rammed yourself around the corner because of how fast you were going with Sans hot on your heels. You ran through the flight of stairs. Taking two each steps. Then you collapsed at the very top and scrambled to get up. "MOM!?" You yelled at the top of your lungs.

Just as you were about to run towards the kitchen, a small figure bumped into you. "Ooff~" You froze in your place. Your eyes slowly cascaded down and you were met by locks of brown hair. You fixed your gaze at the child before you. They were so . . . tiny. They wore a striped sweater of the colors blue and magenta.

They look up at you in wonder. Their lips formed a wide grin. "A human!" The child spoke and you continued to stare cautiously at them. Sans bumped behind you, making you topple over the child. Making them lie on the floor.

Your cheeks flushed at your position with you hovering above the child who clutched onto your shirt for safety. "hey, whoa there, kiddo. i didn't know you roll that way." Sans spoke behind you, you could just imagine the smug smirk he had on his face while saying this.
"Zip it, sack o'bones." You retorted with a sigh. You look down at the child who continued gaze at you in wonder. You bit your lower lip in concentration. Maybe this child wasn't too suspicious after all?

"Oh, dear. I see you've already met?" Immediately, you pushed yourself off the child with the help of the small skeleton. You picked up the child from the ground and grinned at Toriel who just finished placing the pie on the table.

"Uh, uhm, yeah? Where . . . how?"

"I was walking in the RUINS to see if any human had fallen. And to my surprise, there is!" You eyed the child who happily grinned up at you.

"Huh, what brought you down here, kid?" You asked the child.

"A hole!" They answered giddily to which, Sans shamelessly snickered. You immediately elbowed the skeleton's side.

"Shut up."

The skeleton brushed pass you, "d'ya have any reason why you climbed up here, champ?" You couldn't help but admire how Sans had a different nickname for people. And how he didn't call the child 'kiddo' like he usually calls you.

The child thought of it for a while. But no words came after that. You returned the snicker silently as Sans glared at you playfully. "What's your name, buddy?" You tried once more.

"Frisk!" They answered in a heartbeat. There was a slight pause as you stared at the child. Frisk? Now where did you hear that name before?

"HELLO! WE ARE INTRUDING!!" a flamboyant voice yelled.

"Y/n, darling? Are you in here?" Another one purred.

"Yo, punk!!! Show yourself!!!!" Am energetic one called.

"H-H-H-Hush, U-Undyne!! T-The Queen might be sl-sleeping!" A timid one stuttered. Then, they all revealed themselves at the stairs. Their eyes were fixed on the same little thing inside the room.

And there was only one thing in their minds right now. "ANOTHER HUMAN?!"


Childish laughter filled the house. Bouncing off from walls to walls as Papyrus continued to entertain the human child.

With a hand under your chin, you started to think that the two was very much alike. As if there wasn't an age difference. "Hey, Sans." You called, and he answered with a lazy hum, "how old is Papyrus?" There was a moment of silence, until it lasted long enough for the question to be left unanswered.

Thinking of finally giving up, you excused yourself for a glass of water when he suddenly spoke. "old enough to get a boner." Your cheeks brightened at this and you left with a pillow struck at the shorter skeleton's face. There was a faint smoke from how hard you threw the pillow. And you could hear Papyrus’ voice asking his brother; "SANS?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO THE PILLOW?! WHY IS IT SMOKING!!"

With Sans answering with; "oh, ya know, just fluff."

Rolling your eyes, you proceeded to the kitchen where you got yourself a glass of water successfully. Retreating back from where you were before, you saw a familiar bright figure standing near the stairs, with Frisk the human child, attached to his leg.

Your gaze met his in an instant and you knew exactly what he was trying to say. "Why is there a human attached to my leg?" Okay, maybe you didn't expect him to say that, but it was quite similar to; "Why is a human here?" In a way.

"Fire!" The child chimed, grinning up at the fire creature in such adoration.

Grillby gaze back into the child's eyes. "Hot! Fire, hot!!" Frisk exclaimed, and you could've sworn you saw something pink dust over the monster's face. The child turned their head in your direction. "FIRE, HOT!! HOT! HOT! HOT!!"

This made your cheeks warmed. Indeed, you couldn't deny that the outfit Grillby wore makes him hot. The button down white sleeved he had with two buttons open was indeed, an eye catcher. But this was a child we're talking about. So of course they didn't mean it the same way as you were thinking.

"Eeyup!" You smiled at the child, shaking off that thought you had earlier. You approached them gently. You knelt to their height and gently pat their head. "Fire Uncle is hot." Your eyes widened at what you just said and you couldn't help but look up at Grillby who stared back down at you.

"ohhhhh, hey, kiddo, i think you need to chill out. your face is burning." You sent the skeleton another glare that shut him then and there.

"Forget this." You grumbled before standing up and deciding to just hide in the kitchen until everyone leaves. But apparently, Grillby had a better plan in mind.

"Come with me." He told you, and before you could even argue, he dragged you off to your room.

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