Chapter Eight: Don't Let Go.

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You heard the lock to your door click. You felt your heart pick such a fast pace. You felt your face grew redder as the seconds tick by. Your knees were slowly betraying you.

"Y/n?" You almost fell down at the sound of his voice calling your name. It sounded so good as it drawled on his tongue. It sounded heavenly. "Do you want to tell me the reason why Sans teased you to me?"

You immediately felt your heart drop. All those romantic feeling you've had before are the exact opposite now. Your face paled, your body grew stiff. "Uh, ah . . . erm." Was all you could stutter. Your eyes widened as he took slow, long strides towards you. As he approaches as slowly as he possibly can, you picked his pace and craned your neck. Until he was finally towering above you.

"Well?" He urged. And you've never seen him so intimidating before.

"I-I, uh, I," you stuttered once more, and you wondered why you always open your mouth.

"Y/n." So this time, you decided to shut it. "Please." Your cheeks warmed at this, your heart clenched. Even though you couldn't tell the emotion he had on his face, it was laced very deeply in his tone.
"YEAH, MOM?!" you screamed as you brushed pass him. You could feel him hot on your heels, but before you could reach for the knob, Toriel answered.

"I didn't say anything, dear!" Before your hand could touch the knob and bolt for it, Grillby grab hold of your wrist and spun you around. Slamming you against the door. Pinning your hands on either side of your head. He loomed intimidatingly above you. You felt your stomach churn and clench. Your eyes remained in contact with his.

"Are you avoiding me?" He asked in his raspy voice, you could feel his hot breath on your skin.

"I-I, uh, P-Papyrus needs me."

"NO, I DO NOT." You heard Papyrus’ voice from behind the door. "I FOUND THE COOK BOOK WITHOUT YOUR HELP, HUMAN. BUT THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN."

You felt his hold on your wrist tighten, and your stomach followed afterwards. You swallowed the forming lump down your throat as he continued to pierce his gaze on you. "W-Well, I—uh, I-I—"

"-love you." You snapped your head to meet his gaze. Eyes widening, heart humping, and knees turning into jelly. What? (P.S: I didn't bother changing the typo I made. It's FREAKIN’ hilarious. 😂 — F. 🔥)

"I love you." He repeated. More clearly this time. And those three words sounded so perfect in his voice. So . . . heavenly. Your mouth slowly dropped ajar. "I really do. Ever since you decided to hang in my bar for the holidays, I've admired for you. The time you decided to work under me, I've fallen for you. And that day when you were gone for an entire week only to come back with a resignation slip, I realized," he paused, and he was so out of breath. His hold continued to tighten each breath he took.

"I realized that I can not, and can never let you go that easily. That's why I burnt the slip and didn't tell you." He hung his head low in shame, and you couldn't help but smile at how adorable this calm creature had been. "I couldn't take the teasing anymore, Y/n." Your smile dropped as he picked up his head and gaze at you. You saw a different appearance of the fire creature. Pouring down his cheeks were lava-like tears and you dreaded the moment it fell to your feet. But it didn't hurt. Instead, it was warm.

Then you realize that his hands that was holding your wrist were turning warmer and warmer. "I love you, Y/n."

It seems words had left your side at that moment. You couldn't help but stare into his glasses. His glasses that was moist from his crying. Behind his glasses you could see his eyes. His eyes that held an ounce more of sadness each seconds that passed without your answer.

For what seemed like a century, his grip loosened on your wrist and you felt your heart clench at this. Before his hands dropped to his side, three words managed to slip pass your mouth unconsciously.

"Don't let go." You murmured and his head snapped back to meet your gaze. You saw that familiar glint of hope in his eyes. That same glint you once had when you looked at yourself in the mirror that day Toriel had taken you in. You spread your arms wide and gave him a cheerful grin. But despite that, you could feel warm tears streaming down your face.

"I love you." You said the words he's been expecting you to say. Overjoyed, he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly. His warmth gave you comfort. Safety and reassurance. As if a hug wasn't enough, he took a few steps back before spinning the both of you around. Making you giggle like a child, and him chuckle his alluring laughter.

The both of you dropped on your bed with the world spinning before you. With both of your hand intertwined, and your hearts synchronized as one. You rolled your head to the side where Grillby already lie, staring at you. You smiled lovingly at him, and you watched as a lighter color of his fire skin appeared. Forming a charming boyish grin.

"I love you." He told you, and you could see the sincerity in his eyes, feel it in his tone. You gave his hand an assuring squeeze.

"I love you more." His face was immediately overtaken by a pink dust. And he covered it with his free hand for a while. Until to your surprise, he rolled over so he was towering above you. Leaving unbelievably close. Closing in the space the both of you once had. As he neared closer and closer, you could feel his breath on your face. His lips inches away from yours.

His eyes flickered from your lips to your eyes. Then with your eyes, you answered his unspoken question by closing them. Soon enough, you felt his lips brush against yours. It hadn't even touched but you were panting like crazy. And so was he.

His lips were about to devour yours when a single knock interrupted the moment. Grillby pounced immediately away from you. Like a cat who had been caught stealing a fish. His face wasn't the usual orange red. Instead, it was pink and he was using his hand to cover half of it.

"tori said to call ya for pie." You brush pass Grillby but got held back as he held your hand. You gaze at it for a good second, before looking up at him and flashing him a smile. Telling him that it's okay. You walked towards your door with him trailing behind. You opened the door with the lock clicking.

Sans’ face showed, wearing his usual smirk. "it's a bit smokey in the kitchen and i couldn't make-out the labels on the spices." You rolled your eyes at the terrible pun the skeleton made. "it was worth a shot." He winked and left before you.

You look back at Grillby who managed to smile at you sheepishly. And you couldn't erase the fact that this calm, adorable, and unexpectedly dorky monster had captured your heart.

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