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"(Y/n), wake up. We should get breakfast, well, more like you should. Today is your first task, where are we to do again?" Newt's concerned voice woke me up.

"I-uh-I think it's the field past the quidditch arena. I need to go early, don't I?" I lifted myself out of the small and comfortable area Newt had made for us, helping him up along the way. He nodded, and I threw my head back, rolling my eyes. Quickly, I popped my back, and neck, then straightened out my robes. I motioned for Newt to follow me as we made our way to the dining hall.

I was nervous, and that's all I knew of myself at the moment. Nervous that I may break my promise to newt and not win, nervous that I may loose him, nervous that the task before me would be grueling and terrifying--even with it being the first task. This test was made for Gryffindors, pushing you to be the bravest you could. I wasn't a gryffindor, I was ambitious and sly. In classes, I would bend the rules to work best for me, yet I would never break them. "Are you alright, (Y/n), you've gone pale." Newt took hold of my shoulder, turning m to face him. I just nodded, then went my way.

Together, we sat and ate quickly, and left abruptly, to find where I was to complete my task for this month. "Talk to me, please. You're out of it." Newt's voice took me out of my stride to the field.

"I'm scared, Newt. Merlin, am I scared. I signed up for something without realising what could happen to me. Do you know how many have died trying to beat these tasks? Few, yet it happens! Newt, I don't want to die." I ranted, a tear running down my face.

He smiled, softly. "I'm scared too, love, yet I know you. You'll be in the arena and you'll kick ass, like you always do. Plus, I'll be here, cheering you on the entire way!" I smiled at Newt and his positive output on the situation, "Plus, worrying means you suffer twice, so let's not worry."

I bit my lip, smirking, "You know what, you're right! Come on, I'm winning this thing." I took Newt by his wrist, and pulled him to where I would complete my first task. It was easy to find, luckily, as there was a giant tent set up for those unlucky enough to get chosen to participate in this tournament.

"Now that everyone is here, out your hand into the bag and choose what you shall fight. Then, I will explain the rules," explained the headmaster. We all took turn picking the animal that we would fight. It was my turn and I reached in, picking out a small version of a Nundu, which was a leopard like creature, yet it's neck could extend and show it's spikes. The other two creatures I could have gotten was a Basilisk or a Chimaera.

Newt was very persistent in talking with me about the animal, and I let him hold the extra small version, "I've read all about these creatures! They originate from East Africa, and are very dangerous. One of the most, if not, the most dangerous creature out there. I've always wanted to see one, and look, now I have a mini one!"

"You do know it's not real, right--"

"Shush. I don't need this from you. Continuing, the only way a Nundu has ever been stopped is by hundreds of wizards using the stunning spell, otherwise, there is no way known to stop it. You best watch out for it's breath, it's been known to wipe out villages!"

"Then I'll tame it."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"I shouldn't be telling you this, but my grandmother had the ability to speak to animals. I do not, but she taught me how to calm any animal down, with a song. This song was written by Merlin, and contains spells to charm any animal, for the most harmless, to the most harmful."

"I would hurt you right now, you know my love for animals!" Newt stuck his tongue out at me.

"Everyone except the victors, out!" Newt quickly kissed me on the cheek before leaving me, "You must know the rules, so, the point of the task is to try and steal the bag of seeds from creature, which will be used for the next task. You may not leave the arena, nor kill the creature. Best of luck. (L/n), you're up first." I gulped nervously, before sitting up from my seat.

A/n: Boy am I excited to write the first task!!! Also, my other fanfic just reached 10K, isn't that nuts!!

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