Chapter 6: This Is It

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PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU MOVE ONE!!! Hey! guys before this next chapter I realized it would be stupid for Kristina to be kicked out 5 yrs. ago cos she would have been only 13 so im changing it so she isnt 17 she is 19. So she is not 17 years old she is now 19.


I woke up the next morning wondering if all the things that just happened was all just a dream but then I looked around and knew it wasn’t. I heard a knock at my door.

“Who is it?”

“Its Louis.”

“Ok come in”

Louis opened the door quietly and came in. I think out of all the boys Louis is my favorite. He just understands a lot better. What the hell am I saying? I don’t like Louis we aren’t friends.

“Are you ready for today?” Louis said.

“yeah well I have to get dressed first but yeah.”

“You don’t have to do this.”

“Louis Just because I’m younger and I’m not a boy doesn’t mean I can’t handle things. My life has been just as shitty as yours. “ I snapped.

“Oh um.. Im sorry I shouldn’t have said anything uh I guess I’ll go.” He said.

He walked out of the room with his face down. I think he was a little shocked that I snapped at him but he needs to get used to it.

I walked over to the closest and pulled out one of the slutty dresses in the closest. I put some heels on just to top it all off. I walked into the living room. When the boys saw me they just stared.

“It’s not polite to stare” I said smirking.

The boys immediately got back to what they were doing. I walked into the kitchen and realized everyone was either in the living room or the kitchen all except Harry.

“Who is coming with me today?”

“Harry.” Liam said.

Shit. I really hate Harry. He annoys the shit out of me.

I saw Harry walk into the room but instead of having jeans and a t-shirt like everyone else he had a brown vest with a white long sleeve shirt under it. His hair was combed over to the side. He had geeky glasses on and he also had weird black pants on.

“What the hell are you wearing?” I asked trying not to laugh. 

He looked absolutely ridiculous. 

“It’s called a disguise babe” he said walking past me and into the kitchen.

He opened the fridge and grabbed some food and he sat down at the table and ate some breakfast.

“So what’s your name?” he asked me.

I was confused we have been together for more than 72 hours and he doesn’t even know my name. Good job Harry.

“Kristina” I said sitting down. 

“No your disguise name. Mine is Marcel. So what’s yours?”

Oh that’s what he meant. 

I sat there thinking for a minute or 2 two…

“Krista” I replied.

“Why ‘krista'? Isnt that a little to similar?"

“If you change your outside to much you change the inside too.”

“Ok well lets go” he said walking towards the door.

I got up and followed I said bye to the boys and got in the car that Harry was in.

He pulled out of the drive way and off we took.

“You know where we are going right?”

“Harry Im not an idiot of course I know where we are going.”

I had to tell him the directions for the place Peter worked at.

“Ok we are here . You remember the plan right?”

“Yeah of course.”

I walked inside of the gas station and I saw Peter standing at the cash register. I walked around pretending to look for lighters. 

“Can I help you miss?”

“Um yes thank you. I’m looking for some lighters.”

“Oh well they are right here” he said winking.

Damn, I really wanted to punch this guy in the face right now. 

We flirted for a couple minutes. But most of the time I wasn’t focused on what he was saying I was focused on if Harry was sticking to the plan. I l glanced outside without him noticing and sure enough there he was pouring the gas on the ground instead of the car.

“Well your lighter will be 1.69” he said with a huge grin on his face staring directly at my boobs

“Oh fuck” I said trying to sound disappointed. “I left my purse at home but I really need that lighter oh I guess I’ll have to wait.” I said trying to sound disappointed.

“On the house” he said smiling still staring at my boobs but this time he licked his lips.

Now I REALLY want to punch him in the face.

“Oh thank you! You’re so kind.” I said smiling.

I walked out of the door and blew a kiss to him. 

I got in the car with the lighter and “Marcel” got in after me. I handed him the lighter.

He switched it on. And he threw it out the window. We drove as quickly as we could.

And sure enough we heard a loud explosion behind us.

I look behind us and I saw fire everywhere.

Peter had to be dead….


I hope you guys like it! I made this chapter a little longer cos the last one was so short!

Sorry about the age mix up!

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