Chapter 18: Sirens

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Chapter 18: Sirens

“Who the hell are you?” I said.

“Oh well wouldn’t you like to know?” he smirked.

 “Yes actually I would” I replied.

“Have a seat please.” He said.


He snapped his fingers and I felt a gun poking me in the back.

“Go ahead shoot me I don’t care!” I shouted.

I knew they wouldn’t really shoot me. I wasn’t dumb the brought me in here because they need something from me. If they didn’t need anything I would be out there getting tortured like the rest of them. They needed me alive. I felt the man with the gun get closer. I quickly raised my elbow and hit him hard in the jaw. He fell back onto the ground and tried to get back up but before he could I stole the gun out of his hand.

“Come near me and  I shoot” I said.

“You wouldn’t really shot anyone” The man sitting at the desk said. He got up and started walking toward me but before he even got near I shot him in the stomach. He clutched his stomach and fell to the ground. I shot the guard who was laying on the ground. Then I shot them both again making sure they were dead I walked out of the room.

There was a door across the hall so I opened it and it was a weapons room. I smiled and walked in. I got 2 grabbed 2 more guns sticking them in my waist band. I also grabbed 3 knives.  I walked out of the weapons room and out back into the hall. I found another door I walked in and there were 2 men sitting at a table playing cars before they even could grab their guns I shot them both in the head. I walked past them and there was really nothing in there except boxes. I opened the boxes and they were full of drugs. I left the room and walked into another door and I saw Liam sitting in a chair being electrocuted. I quickly shot the two men who were doing it and ran over to Liam.

“Oh my god are you ok?” I said cutting the ropes of his wrists and feet.

“I think so yeah” he said standing up. He was a little wobbly but he could walk. I handed him a gun.

“Thanks” he said taking it.

“I only have one more gun. Should we get more for when we find the other boys?” I said.

“Yeah we should” he said

I lead him to the weapons room we picked up 3 more guns and a few more knives.  We left the weapons room.

“Do you have any idea where they are?” he said looking down. I could tell he was in pain he wouldn’t say anything but you could tell he was.

“No I don’t” I replied. We walked into another room and it looked like a clinic of some sort.

“Lets get you some pain medication.” I said. I opened up a cabinet and it had a few different types of medicines. I finally found some and I gave him 3. I know that sounds like a lot but he’s in a lot of pain.  I took the bottle with me just in case we found any of the other boys.

“Are you ok?” he asked me.

“Yeah they didn’t do anything to me.” I replied.

“No I mean are YOU ok?”

“To be honest… No I found my dad he’s downstairs he left the rest of my family and they think he’s dead” I said trying not to cry.

“I thought you didn’t care about your family?” he said.

“That’s what I thought too.” And the conversation ended there.

We walked around a little bit more found a few men who were alive but not anymore.  We walked into a wide open space and found Harry lying on the ground with burns all over him. I ran over to him.

“Oh my god Harry!” I screamed and cried at the same time.

“Kristina” he managed to get out.

“Im right here Harry! Everything will be ok!” I said.

“Oh not for long” I heard a voice say. I turned around to see my dad with 5 other men. I shot them each in the leg with Liams help and then we made sure they were dead. I walked over back to Harry. I examined his burns they were bad but he would be ok.

“Liam go back to the room where we found the pain killers and get some bandages and whatever else might help.” I said.

“Ok Ill be back as soon as I can” He said running off.

“Kristina… I love you” Harry said.

“Sh…. You don’t mean it you think you do but you don’t. Just lay still.” I said running my hand through his curls.

“I do mean it.” He said again.

“Sh…..”  I just whispered.

Liam ran back in with bandages and burn ointment. I put some on my fingers and gently put them on Harrys burns.  He gritted his teeth in pain. I put the bandages on him. He started to stand up and slowly but finally he stood up. He put his arm around Liams shoulder. Liam helped balanced him and we kept going. We opened a door and it was the room that I saw Niall being taken into earlier. Niall was sitting in the chair in the middle of the room. He didn’t seem hurt.

“Thank god you guys are here the guys are about to come back hurry get me out of here!” he said half whispering.

I cut the ropes of his feet and wrists. He jumped then the men walked in. Liam shot them both and we left.  I handed Niall a gun and we all kept walking. It was nice to have people I know with me.

“Are you ok Niall?” Harry asked.

“Yeah im fine My leg hurts a little but yeah im good.” He replied.

“Oh I forgot we have pain killers” I said and Liam pulled the small bottle out of his pocket and handed it to Niall.

“That would’ve been nice to mention a few minutes ago” he said opening up the bottle.

“Sorry I forgot…” I said

“Nah its ok im just teasing you. It doesn’t hurt that bad.” he said.

We walked into another room and Zayn and Louis were both tied up getting punched over and over. Niall and Liam both shot the men who were beating up Zayn and Louis. I untied them and we made sure they were ok. Louis stood up and kissed me.

“Are you ok darling?” he asked me.

“Yeah im fine are you?” I said.

“Well I have a few bruises but other than that im fine.” He smiled at me. I love his smile.

“Yeah im good thanks for asking” Zayn said laughing.

“Im sorry are you ok?” I said walking over to him and gave him a hug.

“Yeah im fine” he said smiling at me.

We left the room and looked for a way to get out. We finally got out of there it took awhile but we found the exit. Zayn broke into one of their black vans and we all got in. Zayn hotwired the car and we were off.


Then that’s when we heared it. The sirens….


Hey Guys!!!!! I know my chapters have been short so thats why i made this one extra long! Please vote, comment, like it whatever you kids do these days! I love you all sooooo much!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2014 ⏰

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