Chapter 11 - The End?!

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Tsuzuku's Pov:

I stood there on the end not daring to look down. My heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest. One mistake, one distraction, one step is all it would take for everything to be over. One step forward to be with Koichi and when step back to help Meto and MiA get through this. My mind was racing with a thousand thoughts and then they were shattered when I heard my phone ring from inside the room.

One step back to answer the phone I thought to myself.

Or maybe not whoever it is probably doesn't understand what I am going through.

Though what if it's MiA calling to let me know that Koichi pulled through and woke up?

I took one step back and then another step and then it stopped ringing. If it was MiA he wouldn't have ended the call. Koichi isn't better. I need to be with him...on the other side. My back was against the window but I took a step forward. Each step for Koichi with that in my mind it made things easier. I am at the edge again, on the edge of life as well. I am going to do it this time I tell myself.

Then I hear a knock on the door it startles me with surprise; just one distraction.

Its our manager he is asking me to open the door, he says that he has good news to tell me. Good news... what could it be?

"One minute please!" I call out and take one step back and then another.

With another step I am inside again as the warmth of the room embraces me. I straighten up my clothes and hair and go and open the door as I greet our manager and let him inside.

"Koichi has woken up and is slowly recovering."He tells me.

"Really that's great news." I reply before thanking him for bringing me such amazing news. Who knows what would have become of me if he hadn't come here. Then MiA comes to my mind, he must have been the person to call me and when he couldn't get through then he called our manager.

Gather a few of my belongings such as my keys and telephone and next thing I know we are both on our way to join my band mates at the hospital. I look out the driver and sigh really wondering what the actual end is like. Koichi has been closer to it than I ever had been in those short minutes.

Your strength saved me Koichi, it saved me from myself.

I am drawn out of my thoughts when the manager lets me know that we have arrived.

The car is parked and we get out; I feel the need and rush of excitement to see my dear Koichi again, but I must act normal. We walk up to the reception and ask which room they are in before I begin to lead the way.

We walk in the room and see Koichi laying down the bed surrounded by Meto and MiA who are talking to him. They stop once they hear us walk into the room.

"Tsuzuku?" I hear Koichi say as he looks over the other's shoulders and sees me.

"Yes I am here." I say coming and kneeling down beside him, I am here; here for you.

After that we talk for a short while and then our manager goes to ask when Koichi will be able to get out this damned place.

In the meanwhile we all decide that once Koichi can get out of the hospital that we will relocate to a new town far away from here. Away from all this drama and the pain it has bought.

No we aren't running away, not at all, we are surviving. We will show those people that we are strong and that we are still alive. That nothing can break us apart.

Our manager comes back into the room and tells us that Koichi will be able to get out this evening.

I sigh in relief as another night here and who knows what would happen to any of us. The further away we can away from this place the better.

"Shall I go and get your stuff from the hotel?" I ask Koichi as I sit beside.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea." He replies with a warm smile.

"Okay, I will go and do that in a minute." I tell him.

"Would you like me to drive you there?" Our manager asks though I tell him that I will be fine just going there alone. It's not that far away to be honest.

A nurse and a doctor come to check up on Koichi after that and that's when I take that as a sign to leave.

Soon I am out of the hospital and out on the streets again, one step in front of another takes me there as I slowly pick up a pace. The quicker I go the more quicker I get back.

The wind blows past me nothing but a warm breeze, it's like a normal today to anyone as I blend in and out the crowds of people before getting to the hotel.

It only takes a minute or two before I find myself back in the room where I once wanted the end of my life to come sooner than it was needed. The window is still open as flashbacks pass through my mind. I ignore them and focus on collecting Koichi belongs before exiting the room. I walk down to the reception and give them the key. No...we aren't coming back here.

I am back on the streets again, the first step is to get back to the hospital and then the next is to get out of here. I am walking at a steady pace I would say almost halfway there. I can hear a car speeding in the distance. I quicken my pace a little wanting to get to the hospital soon, the sound screeching tires and a car motor gets closer. My heart is like it's going to beat out of my chest.

The car is on the same street now, it's not slowing down its speeding up. I start running, just run Tsuzuku. Once you're inside your safe. Only minutes left to the hospital now. Though the car is faster than me and the next thing I see pure's too late....I am out cold.

In those finally minutes the thought comes to me, we are being watched, we were never really alone. My band mates don't have a clue about these people, they don't what to look out for and I can't do anything. Just leave without guys...just save Mejibray....this won't be our end. Please don't let it be our end!

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