Chapter 12 - Black Rebellion

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There was nothing I could remember or see after that, it was just the darkness and myself that were left. I think our virals, whoever they are thought that they had left me for dead and then disappeared without a trace. Though that isn't how it turned out be as the next time I opened my eyes I found myself in a bed in yet again a hospital room. How I got here I had no clue.

One of my arms was bandaged up slightly just below the wrist until it reached my elbow. Besides that everything else with me seemed to be okay.

"'re okay?!" MiA came running into the room followed by Meto and then finally Koichi, who recovered enough to get out of his own bed and ironically enough come to visit mine.

"Y-yeah I am fine. How did you guys find me?" I asked as they all came and sat down beside the bed. That's when MiA began to explain everything I had missed out on.

"After you didn't show up for a while, I went to look for you. That's when I saw you injured in the middle of the road, that's when we figured almost everything out. Then we bought you back here so the doctors could be what's necessary." I just nodded showing my understanding.

"Where's our manager then?" I asked since the last time I saw him he was with the rest of the guys.

"He went to get us our new car out of here." Koichi replied.

"From the color of the car, to the windows are going to black and no one is going to see us." MiA added into the conversation.

"Sounds great to me." I replied.

It wasn't too long after that our manager returned and said that we were already to go whenever as possible.

"What are those?" Koichi asked pointing to the cloak like clothing in his hand.

"These are cloaks that I thought you guys could wear, it would hide your identity better when you're not in the car." He replied.

"Great idea." I chimed into the conversation.

"So did you guys ask when I could get of here then?" I asked wondering how long we would still be stuck in this God forsaken place.

"Oh the nurse said it was just a matter of you waking up, since it was just your arm that is injured and they put that in a cast." MiA replied.

Yes, I had noticed the heavy and itchy material that had been wrapped around my arm the moment I open my eyes. Though the distraction of my friends was more than enough to get my mind off that.

So then we all agreed to put the cloaks on, Koichi helped me with mine due to the cast and within no time we were all dressed in black.

"Who do I look?" I asked Koichi with a smile.

"Like the prince of darkness." He chuckled.

"Oh what if people still recognize us though, do we still tell them that we are Mejibray or..." MiA asked trailing off in his thoughts.

"Your right, the whole idea is to hide who we are, we can't stay with the same name until all of this gets sorted out." I agreed with MiA's thought.

"You mean until we escape these people for good." Koichi corrected me and I nodded.

"Yes my love; until they run out of venom." I half muttered.

"So what shall we call ourselves?" MiA asked bringing us back to the subject at hand as Meto watched us quietly.

"Well we are all dressed in black and still alive. Maybe something like "The Black Rebellion." I suggested.

"Sounds awesome!" Koichi said.

"Suits us well." MiA added in as Meto nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Its settled then...from now on we are the black rebellion." I said and with that we all got up and started to make our way out of the room.

Our manager sighed us all out and paid for the expenses and then only minutes after that we were all in the car.

MiA was right; the car was pitch black with slightly tinted windows, it was like we could see out but no one would be able to see inside. Perfect in other words.

We checked that everyone had got their belongs in which we all had. Once that was confirmed we hit the road again, not knowing where we were going but just far away from here. Yes the Black Rebellion had started. Soon the name would spread calling or tempting our enemies to come closer. They would be tempted to find out who the people under the name are. We wouldn't let them know of that, it would be like a trap for them; they come and then get caught. That's when they would see that we are still strong and alive, that nothing would knock us down. We will stand in front of them dressed in black and laugh at them. We rebel against death as we stand like Grim Reapers dressed in our cloaks...that would be their sign, their warning that if they continued to mess with us then they wouldn't have much time to live. It would give out the warning not just to them but anyone else that wanted to try and hurt us even more than we have already been hurt; that we are dangerous and that they should stay away. That would be the message that live on with us even when we turned back into Mejibray.

It would be all for the good, all for the better; safety first or falling into the darkness would be of what we expect to become if we fail to do so.

For now they wouldn't know but we do, be aware if the Black Rebellion is coming your way.

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