Chapter 13 - Home Again

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It's been days since we have started to travel but we have finally stopped somewhere for our break after the last concert we gave. People are now used our new name and look. If it's anything that gives our true identity away it would just my voice. And even though usually security guards are surrounding the building at every live show we give, we still end of cautiously exiting each place. We get changed back into black cloaks and we are in another bus or car. Though this time we got changed into our casual clothes as we went to the hotel that we would be staying in until we would be on the move again.

Yes after everything that had happened, there wasn't really a home for us anymore, our lives had become travelling and concerts for most of the time.

We couldn't really stay too long anymore, I mean we didn't know how far ahead Hitsugi had planned. I know that we couldn't always be scared and after a while we would go back and everything would be just be like it was before. There was still a while for that since everything was still fresh in our memories.

I lit a cigarette as I looked out the window, instantly feeling the relief of having I hadn't had in weeks. I was too worried and rushing about to take a break. Now that we had finally found some peace we could all take a break.

Meto was across on the other side of the room sitting on his bed listening to his music. Then there was MiA who was on his laptop typing away an e-mail to a friend I think. Finally there was Koichi who had fallen asleep on our bed. He looked so peaceful and ever so slightly funny as he still had the eye-patch on him. I didn't want to disturb him so I didn't take it off him.

"Everything okay?" I asked looking over at MiA as he closed his laptop and put it aside.

"Yeah I think everything has calmed down there." He replied letting me know that where we once were had gone back to its peaceful state too.

"And yet that no sign of Hitsugi's gang or friends since he got put into jail." I mutter.

"Nope...none. I think that deal is over." MiA replied.

Time passes by as we hang out in the small town during the days and come back to the hotel as as soon as dusk sets in the sky.

Then before we know it our break is over and we are packing up again, getting ready for more studio practice and then live concerts not long after that.

It's just gone past early morning two Mondays since we started our break as we leave the hotel room, each one of us checking and making sure that we haven't left anything behind before giving our key back to the receptionist then going into tour bus. It's become such a similar place after all these incidents that you could the bus our new home. I chuckle at this thought as everyone settles back in the bus and we are soon on the road again.

Only difference is that this time we are going back to where all this started maybe only a month ago or so. This will be the first time since we will go back there since the drama happened. Even though we were surrounded by silence and usually at times like this time goes slow. Time managed to go by and we had just about to enter the town that we fled from disaster after disaster.

Meto moved closer to MiA who was sitting next to him trying to comfort the silent boy. Koichi he just looked out the window as if it's just another normal city, as if nothing has happened. I went and sat beside him lightly wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Are you alright?" I ask just about looking over his shoulder. He just nodded, his silence scared me. He has never been quite like this before. I kept myself close to him wanting him to feel safe with me. Then what would that do, I couldn't keep him safe would I be able to do that now.

The tour bus stopped outside my house we had decided to stay over at mine and check to see if there was any changes in it and then if anything happened we would just get on the bus and go. My house had seemed the safest one out of all of ours. This of course had all been agreed to before the silence that settled among us.

As we all got inside the house I thought to myself that this is home; my home. This place is meant to feel happy and safe though it felt strange and odd after not being here so long. Soon we all settled down and tried to relax though I felt it in everyone that we were all unsure of this place. MiA kept a close on Meto as I did the same with Koichi. We tried our best to continue as normal as we discussed the next concert that we were going to do that would held in this town. It was within that time that we noticed that our worries were for nothing as the day had come to an end and nothing bad had happened. I wasn't going to jinx any of us, God no.

Night set upon us and somehow we all managed to find a place to sleep in my small house. MiA had crashed down on the couch with Meto laying curled up next to him. Koichi was fast asleep my bed and myself; well I just sat there smoking the last of my cigarette before I would join him. Yes we were safe but I still felt like one of us should stay awake. After everything that happened paranoia had gotten the best of me it seems. I told myself that all the doors and windows were locked as I got into the bed that I had long since slept on and soon drifted off to sleep. A whole new day awaited us as soon as we would open our eyes; one without the illness and without the snakes and venom.  

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