Chapter 5

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As they reached the front doors of the school, Calum rushed off in the opposite direction, like he did every morning, saying he needed to smoke.

The idea of smoking had never appealed to Michael. Calum claimed it was good stress reliever, but the health risks of an addiction were enough to steer Michael away for good. Cigarettes were just sticks of cancer, a one way ticket to an eternity in a box underground.

Michael did want to take any chances. He wouldn't even take one drag from Calum's cigarette. Lung cancer had killed his dad; he didn't want to come to the same fate.

Sometimes, when he thought about Calum's bad habit, he thought about his father's last few moments. Michael had been there, by the hospital bed and that was pretty traumatic for his 12 year old self.

"Mum I wanna go see him." He said defiantly, crossing his arms.

"Michael I'm not sure that's a good idea, your father is very sick."

"He's my dad mum. I have to go see him." Michael argued, his voice cracking as tears welled in his eyes. "I'm sure he wants to see me. I'm his only child. If I don't go, he'll think I won't care and I can't let him think that. If you don't take me to the hospital, I'll walk!"

"Okay, I'll take you." Michael's mum sighed. "But I'm warning you now Mikey, he's gone downhill since you last visited him."

His mum hadn't been joking. No 12 year old expects to see their dad hooked up to drips and wires. Michael hadn't let his shock show though, he needed to be strong, by only for his Dad but for his mum too.

"Dad." He said happily, bursting into the side room.

"Hiya buddy." Daryl replied weakly, managing to drag up a smile for his son. His usually cheery face was pale and sunken, his bright green eyes tired and dropping. Michael grabbed hold of his hand, forcing himself to smile believably.

"Shouldn't you be in school buddy?"

"I wanted to see you." Michael explained simply with a shrug of his shoulders.

"He demanded I bring him here." Karen chuckled from the edge of the room. Daryl laughed lightly, reaching up to ruffle Michael's hair.

"That a boy son. Stick to your guns." He croaked. "I'm proud of you buddy. Don't ever forget that."

"I'm 12 Dad." Michael replied dismissively.

"What's that supposed to mean? I've always been proud of you. You're a strong, independent, stubborn boy and I am so so proud of you. I love watching you play guitar, you've got a real talent." His voice is weak, his grip on Michael's arm loosening with every word he spoke. Karen tried to move Michael away from him but he shrugged her off. All of his focus was on his Dad.

Daryl lay his head down on the pillow and shut his eyes. Tears brim in Michael's eyes as he grips his Dad's hand.

"I love you buddy."

"I love you too Dad." Michael whispered, squeezing gently on his Dad's slender fingers. Daryl let out one final, shuddering breath before the machine flatlined.

Michael hadn't noticed he was crying until a tear dripped onto his arm. He couldn't believe 5 years had already passed. After quickly wiping his years away before anyone saw, he pulled out his phone and texted Calum, telling him he was going home.

He'd promise his mum he'd try, but he wasn't even in class and he was already crying. There was no way he'd make it through the rest of the day. Exhaling loudly, Michael headed back towards his car and drove away, letting the tears fall down his place cheeks.

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