Chapter 42

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Luke felt on top of the world. As he walked through the corridor with Calum on his left and Michael on his right, occasionally brushing his knuckles against Calum's, he couldn't wipe the smile from his face.

They were talking about something ridiculously unimportant, but he wanted to remember this moment for the rest of his life.

His day had gone so well, he'd almost forgotten about the cut on his cheek caused by Jake's knife, or Calum's constant yo-yoing from pushing him away to holding him close, or Ashton's betrayal of his trust. In that moment it didn't matter.

The way the sun bathed them in gold as soon as they stepped out of the door felt like a scene from a movie. Come to think of it, his life since winter break had felt like a movie playing out in real time. Dorks like him only ended up with boys like Calum in fiction. He used to think boys like Calum only existed between pages of books and in movie screens.

But he was standing there, 100% real, next to Luke, bathed in sunlight that made his tanned skin glow. The wide grin plastered across his handsome features could not be made up. Calum Hood was real, and completely, jaw-droppingly beautiful.

Then there was Michael, with his bright hair and even brighter personality. A boy he never thought he'd consider a friend but had never failed to brighten his day when he needed it.

All Luke could do was smile.

Luke's euphoria crashed as soon as his foot crossed the threshold of his house. His Dad stood in the large entrance hallway with his arms folded across his chest and a deep scowl etched on his face. Luke looked around desperately for his mother, but he was alone.

"Did I not tell you to stay away from that punk?" His father's voice was low and dangerously calm. Luke swallowed harshly and dropped his bag to the floor.

"What punk?" Luke replied shakily, trying his best to look like he didn't know exactly where this conversation was heading.

"Don't play dumb with me son," Andrew scolded. "You know who I'm on about. That punk who was here months ago with the fucked up foot and the attitude problem."

"His name is Calum," Luke said angrily.

"I don't give a damn what his name is! I want to know why, after I told you to stay way from him, you have deliberately disobeyed me - again."

"Because he's my friend!" Luke shouted, his voice reverberating around the walls. "That punk is my only friend and you can't stop me from talking to him."

"Yes I can. He's dangerous Lucas!"

Luke froze and his eyes widened in shock. He stared at his father, chest heaving, waiting apprehensively for his next words. He didn't want to hear them.

"I know what he did to Jake not two weeks ago. He beat the poor kid unconscious and you're calling him your friend?"

Luke opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. All he could do was blink at his father as his heart turned to stone and sank.

"I thought I taught you better. You're replacing Ashton with a criminal. He almost killed Jake. He would have if a teacher hadn't stopped him. He intended to murder Jake."

Luke's blood boiled as his father said murder. An image of Calum, curled up by his side in his bed mumbling about not being a murderer, flashed across his mind. Another of Calum, rejecting his hug after he left the Principal's office and running. Calum sitting at his kitchen table, head in hands and sweating under his breath, ashamed of scaring Luke because his sister was implying the same thing Luke's Dad just said. Calum, with dark circles under his tear filled eyes, telling Luke that he needed to stay away because he was dangerous. Calum sobbing into his shoulder as he explained that he was scared of himself.

And then, the image of Jake sneering down at him as he held a knife to his cheek. The smirk as taunted him about Calum. The lack of remorse as he walked away, making sure he told everyone it was just a scratch.

"You don't know what you're talking about," he said quietly. "You don't know anything about what happened. You don't know anything about Calum, or Jake, or me." Luke had never been so angry. His hand clenched by his side to stop his body from shaking. His voice didn't waver or crack as he spoke. He didn't raise his voice.

"So Jake lied to me did he? He told me that Calum wasn't even suspended for attacking. He said he was simply making his way to class when your precious Calum jumped him. Is that not what happened?"

"I don't know," Luke answered through gritted teeth. "What I do know is Jake pulled a fucking knife on me last week and cut my cheek open! If Calum is dangerous, Jake's a fucking psychopath!"

"What do you mean he pulled a knife on you? To Luke's surprise, all of the anger had left his Dad's voice. His eyes flickered to the cut on Luke's cheek. "Did he do that?"

Luke nodded. His father approached him, reaching his arm out towards his son. Luke shied away from him, keeping his eyes focused on his Dad's face. He'd never seen him without a frown on his face when it was just them. He certainly has never seen him with concern etched where a scowl was minutes ago.

"You two used to be friends. What happened?"

"You think a boy like Jake would want to be friends with me. You said yourself I'm soft." Andrew grimaced at the bitterness in Luke's voice. "As soon as we started at high school he stopped speaking to me. I guess he hates me now. All of the bruises I've been home with for year are because of him."

"Is it because you're gay?" Luke's Dad's voice was gentle, and laced with more concern than Luke thought he was capable of.


"I asked is it because you're gay? Is that why he beats you up?" Luke's jaw hit the floor. He thought he'd misheard his Dad the first time, but he was there, in front of him, openly admitted that he knew his youngest son was gay. Words stuck in his throat as tears filled his eyes.

"Y-you know?"

"You think your mother doesn't tell me things. She told me as soon as you told her."

"Are you mad?" Luke asked quietly, biting his lip ring nervously.

"Of course not son. You can't change who you are and I'm sorry if you ever thought I would hate you."

A tear slid down Luke's cheek and splashed onto the floor at his feet. His trembling lips split into an uncontrollable smile. As he let out a loud sob, he ran towards his Dad and hugged him for the first time in his memory.

"I should say this more often, but I love you son."

"I love you too Dad."

Luke didn't want to let go. He didn't want the rare moment of affection from his Dad to end too soon. He didn't know when the next one would come around. Disappointment rose in his chest when Andrew pulled away first.

"You still haven't answered my question. Is it because you're gay?"

"It wasn't to begin with, but it definitely is now. That's why Calum got involved. He saw Jake attacking me and pulled him off like three times. Jake doesn't touch me when he's around. I know you don't like him, but he's the reason I've not been hospitalised."

When his Dad didn't speak, Luke continued.

"He was furious when he found out that Jake did this," he explained, pointing at the cut on his cheek. "He was willing to get himself kicked out of school."

"It looks like I was wrong about him," Andrew said in his normal voice, after a few moments silence. "I was wrong about a lot of things. And I'm sorry. I'll try to be a better Dad."

"And I'll try to be a better son."

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