Jesse X Petra

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What's up, people?  Yeah, sorry about not making a whole Christmas Special.  Not surprisingly, I was really busy with the fam.  New Years is around the corner, so I don't know if I'll be able to do a one shot on that either.  Anyway, just thought of this one and hope you enjoy.


Jesse's POV

I was never really fond of Ivor.  I mean, who was?  Yeah, sure; he helped Petra, Lukas, and I when we were all wandering the portal hallway.  But now he ran off with the atlas, screaming "adventure!".  It's been a few weeks, and Petra, Lukas, and I are just trying to catch up on everything that happened.  Axel and Olivia told the three of us to meet them at the treehouse, and Axel gave me a bear hug when we reached them.  "Man, I missed you guys!"  Axel smiled from ear to ear, still so happy that we were back.

"Yeah, Axel and I were worried sick," Olivia nodded.  "So there are really more worlds than this?"

"Definitely," I replied.  "Too many to count, in fact.  There was Crown Mesa, and the icy lakes world, and-"

"The squid world," Lukas shivered.  "No one will forget the squid world."

We started laughing, but we were cut short by someone shouting in the distance.  We all turned to see Ivor running up to us.  "What the..?"  Axel squinted his eyes.

"It's Ivor," Petra rolled her eyes.  "I'm surprised he hasn't gotten himself killed."

Ivor approached all of us with a huge smile on his face, "I'm back!  And I've got some treasure!"

I smirked as I watched Axel's ears perk, and Olivia blinked, "Well, let's see it."

Ivor put his backpack on the ground and opened it up, sticking his hands in, "Look at all these!"

Ivor pulled out several potions, but they looked nothing like the one's I'd ever seen.  "So, uh ... Where's the treasure?"  Axel asked.

"Why, this is the treasure!"  Ivor nodded enthusiastically.  "Never-before-seen-on-this-world potions!  Here, I got enough for everyone!"

I grabbed a glowing red potion, and examined it, "Do you know what they do?"

"Some of them, yes," Ivor responded, still trying to contain his excitement.

"Well, I'm sure these will come in handy," Lukas shrugged, grabbing a bright cyan potion.

"Uh, I'm just gonna put mine away," I said, climbing up the ladder to the treehouse.  It was harder than I thought to climb the ladder with only one hand, and my potion slipped out of my hands, falling near Petra's feet.

The potion smashed, and red steam drifted out.  The steam soon disappeared, and Petra fainted.  A wave of panic and guilt washed over me, and I jumped off the ladder to go to Petra's side.  "Oh, crap!  Oh, crap!"  

What have you done, Jesse!  Have you killed her?  Oh, man!  I never even got to tell her how I feel about her!  I felt Petra's wrist, the tension in the air almost touchable.

Ba-bump.  Ba-bump.

I sighed with relief, and turned to Ivor, "Is she going to be okay?  Do you know what potion that was?"

Ivor's face was bright red, "Well, she'll just be unconscious for a little while.  And, uh ... That potion was ... A ... Uh ..."

"Just spit it out, Ivor!"  Olivia furrowed her brows.

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