Magnus X Ellegaard

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Yeah, I've never really thought of this one.  I guess it's not my top ship.  Whatever, here it is!  Enjoy!


Magnus's POV

Leave it to Ellegaard to make everything so difficult.  The Order of the Stone is trying to have a meeting and she starts making all these complaints about how we operate.  The nerve of that girl!  Always so technical with her little redstone contraptions!  As usual, five minutes into the meeting we start arguing, and Ellegaard gets up and storms out.  "Is anyone going to get her?"  Soren fumed.

"Let her go if she wants to," Gabriel sighed.  "She'll come back; don't worry."

"This is ridiculous," Ivor shook his head.  "Someone just get her."

"I'll do it," I got up.  "I'm getting kind of tired of all this crap anyway."

I left the room and didn't walk far to see Ellegaard sitting on the floor, knees tucked to her chest.  I stood there and crossed my arms, "Are you coming back or not?"

Ellegaard didn't reply for several moments, "We didn't used to be like this..."

I squinted my eyes, "What?"

"So dysfunctional ..." Ellegaard trailed off.

What's with all this drama?  I grumbled.  Why did I even join this stupid order?

"Look," I said sternly.  "The rest of us are pissed as well, and they're not gonna be happy if I come back without you."

"Why even bother going back?"  Ellegaard turned her head to look at me with the corner of her eye.  "With all this negative energy going around, I don't think they'd care that much."

Ellegaard turned back and still just sat there, knees tucked in.  For some reason, seeing her like that made me feel sad.  This was one of the first times since I'd first met her that I didn't hate her as much.

Ellegaard's POV

I shivered in the cold, knees tucked in as close as possible.  Magnus hadn't said anything in a while, and I assumed that he left ... Until I saw him through the corner of my eye sit down next to me.  "You know what?"  Magnus stretched his legs out, putting his hands on the floor.  "You're right.  I don't really know what happened that made us hate each other so much, but all I know is that I don't wanna hang out with these guys anymore."

"For once I agree with you," I laughed.

I laughed along with her, but the moment soon died when someone said behind us, "What is going on?"

Ellegaard and I stood up and turned to see Soren with furrowed brows.  "What are you two doing?"  Soren put his hands on his hips.  "We have things to talk about!"

"Yeah, okay," Magnus rolled his eyes.  "When was the last time we actually 'talked about things', huh?  When was the last time that we went one day ... one day without yelling at each other?"

Soren blinked, "Well, Magnus ... Um ..."

Gabriel and Ivor approached them.  "Come on!"  Ivor grumbled.  "It's cold out here and we have stuff to do."

"What stuff?"  Magnus snapped.  "We all know that there's nothing to talk about!  Why are we even doing this?  It's ... It's torture!"

"What's wrong, Magnus?"  Gabriel frowned.  "I've never seen you like this before."

"You all know it's true!"  Magnus growled.  "I'm done!  I quit!  Screw all of you!"

Gabriel was left dumbfounded, and Soren twitched his nose, "Come back here NOW!"

"Forget him," Ivor turned back.  "I'm going inside."

Soren fumed and joined Ivor.  Gabriel turned to me, "Come on, Ellie."

I ignored Gabriel and ran after Magnus, Gabriel shouting behind me, "Ellie!  Come back!  What are you doing?"

Magnus's POV

I had no idea where I was going, but I just kept walking.  I heard footsteps behind me, and each step made me angrier and angrier.  I finally stopped and turned around, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

I immediately felt bad as I saw Ellegaard blink in fear.  I cleared my throat, "Uh ... Sorry."

Ellegaard smiled, "I was just going to say that you were pretty brave back there."

I shrugged, "It's not bravery.  I'm just tired of their crap."

Ellegaard got closer to me, "I still think it was cool."

I grinned, "Well, uh ... Thanks."

There was an awkward silence, and I scratched the back of my head, "So, uh..."

Ellegaard stepped closer and kissed me on the cheek, "You're nice, Magnus."

My face turned red, and I just couldn't help myself from smiling.


Yeah, this was kind of short, but I think this was an achievement because I never really paid attention that much to the Magnus and Ellie ship, so ... Yay me!  Hope you enjoyed!  Bye!

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