Part 2

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"Do you want a fight?" I taunted at the groupie.

His lips curled into a snarl. Portraying his fangs as a warning.
He charged at me. All that blood he sucked probably went to his head.

In an instant I sent the groupie with the dirty mouth flying with one punch to his jaw.
As though the crowd had awakened from a dream, there was a huge uproar.

Not sure if they were displeased in the vampires action or the fact that I had sent him flying across the room like the bat that he was.

Not to mention the Prince and his other companion looked anything but thrilled at the sight.
Prince Vlad in particular glared at me. Similar to the way he did this morning. Only this time he ment business.

By that I meant he probably wanted to kill me right about now.
That or I was just too irresistible.
One thing was for sure though, right now I really wanted to take them all on.

"I'm smarter than you blood suckers." I said with a snicker watching their bemused expressions.

Vlad however kept a straight face now, showing no emotions what so ever. It were as though he was once more in complete control.
That seemed a slight bit sadistic.

The entire cafeteria was gazing at me now and in the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the vampire I had thrown to the floor getting up.

"You bitch!" He roared.

Stumbling a bit, he balanced himself on a table. I could've laughed at the sight. Actually I was going as soon as this is over.
Finally getting his own balance back he dashed towards me.

"Bring it." I said nonchalantly, ready to send him flying again. I wasn't the type to pigo on the weak but then again this was a vampire we were talking about.
I wasn't about to give mercy unless he begged for it.

Then I say him stop in his tracks and before I could even get the chance to react. I heard the sound of a chair drag and felt the impact.

Vlad had slammed an iron chair against my back, in my wolf form a thing like that would feel a lot like a feather but my human body begged to differ.
I groaned in pain and fell flat onto the ground.

As I fixed my dislocated right arm, that blood sucking asshole, stood above me and stomped the chair close to my head.
He was just asking for it!

He smiled at the defiant look in my eye. He seemed to derive pleasure from the pain I was in.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself mutt." Vlad announced, smiling at me as though he had won.

I snarled under my breath.
I could here everyone's voices inside my head it felt the same, as the day when my father had left me in that situation.

I raised my head as I looked him dead in the eyes. My wolf screamed wanting revenge, and I was gonna give it to her.

"Why you disgusting mutt, how dare you look at me like that.."

Vlad raised his foot and stomped down hard on to my right arm. Which had just been dislocated.

The pain forced a scream up my throat. As my mind went blank.
I could only hear his and everyone in the room's laughter.

"Stop this now!!" Aaron exclaimed running towards me. He stared Vlad down until he removed his leg.

Reluctantly Vlad did.

I felt relief from the pain and that snapped me out of my blank state.

"Aiya are you alright?" Aaron kneeled down and wrapped his arms around me. Trying to raise me off the ground.

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