Chapter 3

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Aaron had introduced Raina to the former alpha. He decided to explained what little he could to her.

The story of The Children of The Moon's Alpha and what really happened to him.....


He was betrayed by his most trusted beta's and jumped head first off the cliff. They probably had no doubt in their minds that he would die.
He knew. He knew and he also had no intentions of dieing today.

He had seen on later inspection that the cliff had a cave.
Luckily the cave had an opening, but he wasn't certain if he'd make it.
He figured if there was even, a snow ball's chance in hell, he would. He was going to take it.
With all odds stacked against him.

He reached for it...
He missed the opening.
Determined still to not give up, he pressed both his front and hind claws against the cliff.

The friction was easing the fall, but it felt as though his legs would break off at any time.

Finally reaching the bottom. He fainted from exhaustion.
He wasn't sure how long he had spent in on that coma like state, but once he had awoken again it was night and he no longer had his alpha powers.

He was now in his human body, with bruises everywhere.
He decided to follow a dirt track to where ever it led.

Maybe it was just dumb luck or fate taking pity on him.
Regardless he soon wasn't alone.
Two miles down the track and he could smell it. Wolf territory.

Though these wolves seemed more like outcast, and they were poorly trained. They didn't seem to know the first thing about hunting in a pack.
The strong need to intimidate the prey.

~~Richard's P.O.V.~~~

They rushed in at my front. Not giving me time to turn into my wolf.
It didn't matter to me though. These rouges were weak.

I used my wolf's strength to send all six of them flying.
And the white wolf, whom I took it was the leader of this band of misfits, looked me in the eyes.
Telling me to forfeit this fight.
"Sorry bitch but I won't bow my head to no one."
He growled and launched towards me.

After the fight my already sore body, was hurting even more. Weak or not I had still taken on six wolves with my human body.

The bite marks and claw marks were the first to heal.
Although I was in a much better state than my opponents.

After they turned back into their human bodies. I stacked them onto my shoulders and limped my way down the track for another mile or so, before I saw the rest of the 'pack'.

The rest of the members consisted of women and children under twelve. The other few men it had there, certainly looked as strong as these had proven to be.

They all acknowledged me when they saw, what 'I took to be their best hunters', were defeated by me.

I was later treated for my wounds, along with the others.
All I could see was fear as they looked upon me.
It didn't matter. I needed them for now and they needed me.

Before I knew it they had made me their alpha and I in turn had made them stronger.
Teaching all of the men, women and children how to hunt, fight and most of all How to work efficiently in a group.

I began to realise that a long period of time had passed.
A year had gone by and I was so far from my old home that I didn't know about anything that would have taken place there.

I sent one of my men to go 'collect data'.
After a month he had returned with news.

The grey wolf, my former beta whom betrayed me, was now alpha.
He had also condemned my own daughter to the ranks of an omega, through publicly shaming her, in front of the entire pack. Lieing on my name, stating that I had abandoned the pack, disrespecting my honour and home, by making my mansion a free pack house and making my dauter stay in the cellar.

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