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The wolf, fur as black as night. That night especially.
Its majestic voice howled at the cresant moon. Basking in the light.
Another run with the pack. A hunt. With its' lead four others followed in command.
Not a word was shared between them.
As alpha that was the kind of respect and overall loyalty that was to be expected of them.

A howl in the distance caused their hunt to become awear of the imminent danger it was in. Their cover was blown.
No matter.

With a steady kick-off using its hind legs, the black wolf tackled the prey to the ground. The large buck now hung its head in the jaws of the wolf.
The others howled in appreciation and praise.

A next howl from the distance caused their celebration to come to a resounding halt.
The same howl that had blown their cover, was now pleading for help. Was it one of their one?

With that thought in mind the black wolf flung his prey to the side and made a dash into the forest.

The others losing sight of him due to his overwhelming speed, followed a great distance behind.
To them there was nothing he could not handle.
He thought the same thing too, if however it was something he himself could not handle they were only a call away.

The woods were thick but an opening presented itself.
The edge of a cliff.
He willed himself to stop just in time. A fall that would've meant certain death,was now a memory of the past. Or at least for him. If however he had gotten there too late the howling wolf would no doubt be dead.
He barked to demand confirmation.

From the shadows came a large figure. His beta wolf. Bewildered as to why his beta, whom he was sure had remained back at the house was here.
Casting the thought aside he barked again for the injured wolf to answer.

This time a soft howl emitted.
The source, was from the grey wolf standing before him.
Had it all been a trap, to lure him there alone.
The eyes of the grey wolf turned blue proving all his doubts to be true.
Traitor. He was furious, showing it in the deep red of his wolf eyes.

He was not going to let this go unpunished.

He saw his four other betas coming out from the shadows. He barked for them to stop, as he wanted an honest battle with the traitor.
Much to the black wolve's alarm they proceeded forward. The five were working together. His own pack had betrayed him.

The black wolf took a stance to face them and gave a mighty howl. Before jumping head first off the cliff.


"Aiya come on we're going to be late!" He panted wiping the sweat from his perfect brows. His short hair flying about in the breeze.

"And whose fault is that Aaron?"
I choked out trying to keep up with his long strides. My hair probably past becoming a messy bun, I could tell from the long strands hitting me behind my neck and the flyabouts that stuck to the sides of my face. Disgusting.

We were finally in our last years of high school. This was the life.
Though some would celebrate saying it's finally here. Wrong, there is so much more pressure.
Coming late for example, the slightest thing to trip off the Dean and it's immediately on the permanent file. Trust me for an exam student that's scary.

We stopped in front of the school gate. 'Trinity Distric South' or TDS. Winded and out of breath. The bright side was we weren't late, thankfully. I already had a suspension on my file, like hell I need some, tardyness report from the principal on that file as well. I'm trying to be a good girl.

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