Chapter 10

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Ariane stood stiffly behind Ax. She was about to become Fertas's prisoner, she was sure of it. The stench from him was the vilest thing she'd ever smelt. She'd been discreetly pressing her nose against Ax's back to stem the smell since he arrived. From the look he gave her, she could imagine what he'd do once he got her. Well, that wasn't going to happen. Quite frankly, she was pretty certain if he got within two feet of her she'd throw up. Let's see how well he performed when covered in vomit.

"It appears there's only one thing I can do," Ax said.

She focused on their joined hands. Maybe once Fertas saw she was human he would leave her alone in favour of selling her, as Ax planned.

A loud bang made her jump, and she raised her head to see the beings surrounding them drop to the floor. Each of the men held a gun in their hands.

"Back to the ship, now!" Ax shouted, dragging her back the way they'd come.

"You killed them."


They wove in and out of alleys avoiding the main street. The sound of them running echoed off the high walls.

"You killed them," she said again between panted breaths.

"We've already established that."

"But you killed them!" she practically shouted.

Ax came to an abrupt halt and spun to face her. "Do you think you could say it a little louder? I don't think they heard you on the next planet."

She felt her cheeks heat up. "Sorry," she murmured as they continued to move.

"Fex," Ax groaned when a loud siren blared. "They found them already. Speed up."

They dashed from one alley to the next and had nearly made it back to the ship when a man appeared before them.

At least she assumed he was a man. Dressed from head to toe in black body armour, it was hard to tell. However, the figure seemed masculine. Three more beings appeared behind him, each of them holding light guns. The one in front raised a visor in his helmet. The face staring back at them appeared surprisingly human, only with no nostrils and a green tint to the skin.

"Ax, Ax, Ax, why am I not surprised to find you here," he said with a sad shake of his head.

Ax grinned. "Hainer, it's good to see you too."

The man rested his large gun on his shoulder, but Ariane noticed the other men didn't lower theirs.

Hainer stepped closer and looked the group over. "Why is it, whenever this planet's alarm goes off, I find you or one of your men" He gazed pointedly at Sek, who kept his eyes on the floor and shuffling his feet, "not far from it?"

Ax shrugged. "What can I say? We're well liked, and love to inform everyone we're here."

Hainer rolled his eyes. "What did you do?"

Ariane had to hold back a giggle at the air of shocked innocence Ax gave. "Why Hainer, I'm offended. Why do you automatically assume we've done something? We simply stopped on this planet to do a bit of shopping."

As if to confirm it, everyone held up bags to show their purchases.

Hainer narrowed his eyes. "You never just go shopping. You cause mayhem wherever you are, you know it, and I know it. And who's this?" He stared pointedly at Ariane.

Ax glanced over his shoulder at her. "Just a friend. Thought we'd show her the market."

"A likely story."

Ethereal Lives: A Romantic Sci-Fi NovelWhere stories live. Discover now