Chapter 19

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Ariane sat in the control room, practically bouncing up and down with excitement. They were approaching the planet Melodious, and she was fascinated by the colour she could see on the surface.

"Sit down!"

The words were barked at her as she once again got up and headed towards the window. With a scowl, she crossed her arms over her chest and dropped back into her seat. Ax rolled his eyes while the other men sniggered.

"I just want to look."

"You can see from your seat."

She stuck her tongue out at Ax when he looked away.

"I saw that."

With a huff, she slumped in her seat. Honestly, men could be so mardy sometimes. She stayed that way for a few moments until the view caught her eye once more. Before the planet had looked all different shades of orange. Now she could see an emerald green colour mixed in. Subconsciously, she got to her feet and once more approached the window. A gasp tore from her lips when the shutters closed.



Ax continued staring at the monitor, his black hair falling over his forehead, making him look far too sexy for someone being so annoying.


He finally turned his smoky eyes her way. "Because you won't stay in your seat."

She frowned at the said seat, gave another huff, and headed for the exit.

Ax spoke again as the door whooshed open. "I've locked all the viewing windows. You can't open any."

In one fluid motion, she closed the door, walked back into the room, and sat in her seat. She could see Ax trying not to laugh. Bloody annoying man.

It seemed to take forever for the ship to land, but when it finally did, she was the first one at the door, waiting to depart.

Ax called everyone together. "Right guys, as you know we are in Galaxy Three. Last time we were in this galaxy we were Croms. Get yourselves changed."

All the men changed shape, this time, they grew shorter, no more than four feet tall. They lost all hair and their skin turned a reddish brown, their lips vanished making their mouths simple slits. Ax then held out his hand to her.

"Really? You want me to look like that?"

Ax grinned, revealing pointed teeth and making her shiver. "Croms control this section of Galaxy Three, and they only trade with their own kind. We have to look like them in case the ship is recognised."

With great reluctance, she grasped his hand and felt herself change. It was still strange to look down and see a body that shouldn't be there.

When Ax was satisfied with everyone's appearance, and her hand was tied to his, they exited the ship onto a surprisingly quiet planet.

"Where is everyone?" she asked as they crossed a field covered in orange grass. It hadn't escaped her notice that, unlike the other planets, this one had no docking bay.

"On the other side of the planet." Ax didn't look at her as he spoke.

Ariane frowned. Why would they all be on the other side of the planet? She stared into the distance looking for any kind of life. "Are we allowed here?"

"This is a tourist planet. Anyone can be here," Ax said calmly.

She raised an eyebrow. "A tourist planet with no people?"

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