Chapter 34

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Ax gripped the seat arms as the Gornneds ship got closer and closer. That's where Ariane was. The Gornneds who'd dared to take her would die for it. His heart rate picked up pace as he thought of all the things he'd do to them. If they had harmed one hair on her head, he'd... Well, he'd still kill them, but the cause of death would be much more painful.

"Ax, we're picking up a signal coming from their ship."

He dragged his gaze away from the viewing window to address Praid. "What kind of signal?"

"Some kind of emergency siren."

Ax raised an eyebrow and studied the other ship. His mind went back to Ariane setting off their alarms when they'd first taken her. The Gornneds wouldn't have let her loose on their ship, would they?

"Do you think it's Ariane?" Sek asked from beside him.

Ax shrugged. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was. How long until we reach them?"

Praid pressed some buttons before replying. "Not lon... Ax look!"

Ax followed his friend's stunned gaze out of the viewing window. Rushing closer, he pressed his hand to the pane and stared at the object his friend indicated. A space pod had separated itself from the main ship and was hurtling off into space. "Who is that?" he practically shouted.

Spinning to face his friends he was greeted with blank expressions. His cheeks warmed as he realised his question was stupid. How would they know who it was? Facing the window once more, he watched the pod travel farther and farther away. By the time it had finally vanished from sight, he understood their mistake.

"That was Ariane," he exclaimed, facing his crew.

He was met with dubious and sympathetic looks. Sek placed his hand on his arm. "Ax, it could have been anyone."

"It was her," Ax replied with conviction, shrugging Sek's hand away. "Follow it."

"You can't be sure."

Ax's jaw tightened, and his shoulders stiffened. "Look at that ship!" he shouted while pointing out the window. "You said a siren was going off. Do they look in trouble?"

Murmurs and shrugs went around the room.

"Does anyone here see any reason why someone would abandon that ship? You all know what Ariane's like. They probably let her loose near some buttons, and she set the thing to self-destruct."

Sek raised his hands in a calming gesture. "Ax, listen to yourself, it can't be Ariane. She wouldn't know how to fly it."

Ax closed his mouth not sure how to reply, his hope slowly slipping away.

"Yes, she would."

All eyes turned to Bizax, who stood in the doorway. "I taught her how to control a pod."

Ax looked at his friend in shock and gratitude. "It has to be her, follow it."

He heard Praid pushing buttons and Jas steering the ship as he walked over to his friend. "What else did you teach her that I don't know about?" he asked quietly.

Bizax grinned and slapped him on the back causing him to stumble. "Nothing you need worry about, old friend."

Ax didn't think that was much of an answer but knew it was the best he'd get.

"Ax," Praid called.

Joining his friend across the room, he grabbed the back of his chair to look over his shoulder at the monitor.

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