Chapter 17

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Ariane gazed in amazement out of the rec room window. A planet in the distance glowed bright red with orange and yellow sparks shooting from it. She wished they could get closer for a better look, but when she'd tried to convince Jas to do a fly by, he'd been adamant about it being too dangerous. Apparently, the planet was named Res, after someone who once tried landing on it and was never seen again. It was very much like Earth's Sun, though it didn't provide light for another planet. There were no other planets for it to light up. They were miles... or the Galaxy equivalent of... from anywhere.

Relaxing back in the chair she'd placed by the window, she enjoyed the view as soft music played quietly from the stereo. She had no idea who she was listening to, but the tune was beautiful. She sipped the drink Brise had made her and wondered if she would ever see a sight like this again. Her stomach churned. The drink tasted vile, but she'd already felt sick, although she'd begun to think the concoction in her glass was hindering rather than helping. Being in space and eating strange food seemed to be causing havoc with her system.

She had been on the ship for seven weeks, and each day they travelled closer to the Sixth Galaxy. Ax said he would find a way to keep her, yet they didn't change course, they just travelled nearer to the auction block. She couldn't blame him. The longer she stayed here, the more convinced she became the men were Ethereals. It must be hard enough to constantly hide without hiding her too.

She was their only means to get money. Fuel had started running low, as had food. The other items in the cargo hold weren't worth anything, and they had no contacts in this area of the galaxy with which to do business. She knew, she'd thoroughly questioned everyone on the ship. The men were surprisingly forthcoming with information.

Once they hit their destination, they'd need to refuel before going to the closest planet they could get business from. Without her sale, they'd be stuck.

Her fate was sealed, as much as Ax had insisted he wouldn't sell her, she knew he had no choice. Her only option was to prepare for life afterwards, and that's exactly what she'd been doing. Thanks to Ax's crew, she now knew the basic workings of the ship. She had a rough idea how to fly, and defend it. If she could escape from her captors long enough to procure a small vehicle at least she would know what to do with it. With any luck whoever brought her would just use basic locks that she could pick.

"Right, we have a plan."

Ariane jolted and twisted her chair around as all eight men walked into the room and made themselves comfortable, some leant against walls, others on the sofa. Ax stood over her glaring down with his arms crossed. She fidgeted with the drink in her hands as all eyes rested on her and waited for someone to speak.

"We are going to sell you."

Her heart dropped at his words. As much as she'd known this would be the outcome, a small part of her had always hoped he would find a way. She lowered her gaze and nodded in acceptance. Her eyes shot up to his again at his next words.

"Then we are going to rescue you."


With a sigh he picked her up and took her seat, positioning her on his lap. He ran his hand through her hair as he spoke, gently removing stray strands from her face. "We need to sell you, we have no choice. If we don't, we'll be stuck on that planet. We won't have enough fuel to reach our next destination."

She focused on his hand at her waist. She knew all this, had been told by Bizax some weeks ago.

"But, once we sell you, there's no reason why we can't rescue you."

"I planned to rescue myself."

His lips formed a straight line as his eyes darted around the men. "Yes, so I gathered. But I think it might be easier if we rescue you."

Ethereal Lives: A Romantic Sci-Fi NovelWhere stories live. Discover now