Chapter 7- Rude

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I stood by the doorway, listening to what Justin and his friends were talking about.

"Hey! Welcome to my chateau!" Justin said, playfully. I heard chuckles and giggles. "Saying chateau doesn't make you smart." I heard a girl say. She sounded so feminine... I couldn't help but be jealous.

What would I sound like if I spoke? Probably like someone who's smoked a pack every two hours.

"Don't be rude." Justin jokes. "Anyways, come in, i have food and a big tv." I smiled. He's so silly. "So," I hear a deep voice say. "How's the girl?" A female comments too, "Oh yeah! Can we meet her?" She sounds excited.

"Let me see if she wants too."

After that I hear footsteps come up the stairs. Seconds later, Justin is in front of me. "Hey." He whispers. I smile. "So... do you want too?" I guess he knew I was listening. I nodded.

I followed him down stairs. When I came downstairs, I got a little nervous.

We entered the living room and suddenly, the attention was all on us.

"Oh my god." A girl said. She had short, straight brown hair, her hair barley touched her trapezoids. "Agreed." Another girl said. She had wavy blonde hair, going down to her breasts. "She's adorable!" The brunette said. She stood up and walked towards me. She was tall and skinny.

"I'm Cassie!" She said, holding out her hand. I flinched, instinctively. She frowned. "I'm sorry." She said. I nod my head. "Don't you speak?" The blonde said. "Gen!" Cassie scolded. "That's so rude." The blonde rolled her eyes. "I'm Genevieve." She said, not moving from her spot.

"And what's rude, is her not speaking. She could at least say hello." Not two seconds after she said that, a growl erupted in the room. Everyone's attention was turned to Justin. "Watch it." He said, firmly. I looked at him, a little frightened.

I take the time to look at the other boys. One has black hair in a upwards swoop, he's tan and built. Like Justin... but Justin looks better in my opinion.

The other boy had dirty blonde hair, and was a little paler. He was also built. Did everyone spend their days at the gym? Jesus.

The one with darker hair spoke up. "I'm Vince." He greeted. I smiled. I heard a scoff. "Seriously? Again with out the speaking?" The blonde said. I looked down. I would say hi if I could. Justin growled again. Genevieve, watch. It." He said firmly.

"I'm Max." The blonde boy greeted. I smiled at him too. Justin was glaring at Genevieve, making sure she didn't say anything. Max growled. "Quit glaring at my mate." He spoke. Justin obeyed, reluctantly. So Cassie is Vince's mate.

They're cute.

Everyone was wearing jerseys and pants. Mine went down to my thighs, but theirs all fit fine. I felt a little self conscious. "Hey, Gen?" Cassie asked, standing next to me. "Yeah?" She said. "Why are you being so mean to her?" She asked. "One," she held up one finger. "I'm in a very bad mood right now." She said, glaring at her mate.

"And two," another finger. "It's rude not to speak." She said, shrugging. Cassie huffed. "You know she's mute right?" Her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth. "Max didn't tell you?" Justin asked. She shook her head. "I am so sorry!" She said, walking up to me. "I seriously had no idea." I smiled at her and shrugged.

She sighed. "I'm the worst Luna ever." She said, tipping her head back for effect.

Max chuckled. "Don't be dramatic, babe." Holy shit. So he's the Alpha. Justin pointed. "So yeah," he started. "That's the Alpha," he pointed to Max. "And that's the gamma." He pointed to Vince. I stood back a bit, hiding behind Justin. The Alpha didn't want me to stay.

Justin turned to me, effectively blocking my view of everyone. "He's not going to hurt you, Ri."

"Your name is Ri?" Cassie asked. I looked and her and shook my head. "Oh... then what is it?" She asked, turning to Justin. "Ariana." He said, almost look proud. My heart swelled a bit.

"That's a really pretty name!" She gushed. And I mean look at her! She's so cute... I can't. It's too much." She said, sitting by her mate. Vince wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple.

I want that...

"Well," Justin said. "Shall we?" Everyone sat on the couch as we watched the game. The boys would yell at the tv.

I was next to Cassie and Genevieve. Cassie looked at Genevieve. Genevieve returned her look. I gave them a confused one. Genevieve laughed. "Justin so likes you!" She whispered. I look at them wide eyed and got up. I motioned for them to follow.

They did.

I went into the kitchen and stood by the whiteboard. "He does Ari. He does." Cassie said.

I feel like I can trust her. She seems so nice. So does Genevieve. I sighed and shook my head. "Oh he does. I've seen him with girls before, he's wasn't like how he was with you."

He's been with other girls... for some reason, that broke my heart.

I wrote on the whiteboard.

We almost kissed.

"What?!" Cassie's big brown eyes, nearly popped out of her head. Genevieve was smirking, her blue eyes giving me a knowing look.

I sighed. I nodded. "That's amazing! You'd be so cute together!" Cassie said.

"Oh my god!" Genevieve exclaimed. "She's not eighteen yet! What if..." she trailed. Cassie almost screamed. "Please moon goddess make it happen!" She prayed.

The boys walked in. "Make what happen?"

"Um..." Cassie mumbled.

"To end the luxury tax on tampons." Genevieve said.

The guys cringed. "Stop talking Gen." Justin mumbled. I rolled my eyes.

I quickly erased the whiteboard before anyone could see it.

It was ten o' clock at night now. I was extremely tired. I yawned. Justin came back in the room after being gone for a few.

He leaned towards me, "Do you need to go upstairs?" He asked. I nodded, my eyes starting to close. He chuckled. "I'll be right back guys, Ri's tired." He said.

He lifted me up, causing a blush to form on my cheeks. Why in front of them.

"Awe." I heard Cassie say. Genevieve winked at me. My blush became more apparent now. They all said goodnight to me, and that it was nice meeting me.

I silently agreed.

With that, Justin carries me upstairs. "Um..." he stops in the hallway. "You'll need to sleep in my room tonight... your birthday present is in yours... I know! I could've put in my room but you'll love it I promise."

I looked at him and laughed. I saw his eyes soften a little. There was some sort of emotion but I couldn't make it out.

He sets me in his bed and covers me. "Oh... pjs..." he mumbled to himself. He walked into his walk in closet.

When he reappeared there was a red shirt in his hand. He gave it to me. "Just for tonight." I nodded and waited till he left to put it on.

I slowly let darkness consume me, and fell into a deep sleep.

I still wonder what that emotion was.

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