Chapter 4

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Jimin's POV

I was about to walk out the door, when it all came rushing back the feeling, the disgust, and just the whole feeling. I remember every bit of what happened that day, and what kept happening. I would never tell anyone I didn't want them to look at me differently. I didn't want to be labeled as broken, when I wasn't. I was strong, because of what happened. I had to take a seat in one of the booths, or I would have hyperventilated the very moment I took a step outside.

I was so far in my trance that I didn't notice Jin making his way over to where I was sitting. I suddenly flinched at Jin touching my shoulder. He looked at me, as if I was fragile and about to break. I smiled and up from where I was sitting in the booth. I got up and took my keys out, so that I could lock the door on my way out. I said bye to Jin, and I simply walked out. I was walking down the sidewalk. I know what you thinking, Jimin it's 10:10 at night, what are you doing walking home? Well, weird voice in my head, I don't have a car. I can barely afford my apartment let alone a car to.

I was almost home when, I bumped into a broad shouldered figure. I was soon apologizing, hoping not to get mugged. The other figure was throwing blasphemies all over the place, but as soon as he looked up, he suddenly stopped talking all together. He stared at me long enough I should have been uncomfortable, but I wasn't. Part of me trusted this guy, and I just met him. After our staring contest he finally spoke up.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to stare or bump into you. Are you okay? Did I hurt you in anyway?" He said suddenly sounding panicked.

"No, I am okay. Thank you for asking tho. I was the one who bumped into you. I am Jimin, Park Jimin, by the way," I said trying to be as cool as possible, because this man with his jet black hair and tall stature was honestly hot.

"Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. It's very nice to meet you Jimin. Just so you know you are honestly the cutest thing I have seen in my entire life. Would you maybe want to go out sometime?" he asked with all the confidence in the world.

"Um... yeah that would be amazing. Can I see you phone?" I said abruptly became really confident.

He handed it to me a little hesitantly. I put my number in trying not to be as curious as I always am. I texted myself real quickly, and I handed his phone back to him. Jungkook looked at me like I was a crazy stalker.

"I put my number in your phone and text myself, so I could have your number. We need a way to plan that date. Sorry for being coy. I should have told what I was doing." I said feeling really awkward all the sudden.

"No don't worry about it cutie. I will text you and see on that date of ours." Jungkook said while turning and going on his way.

I know I wasn't supposed to trust a complete stranger, but for some reason I trusted Jungkook. I couldn't determine if that was a good thing or not. I guess we will have to wait for that date.

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