Chapter 23

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Jimin's POV

               There was a warmth behind me, and the events of last night all started to come back. That would explain why back lower back and right leg was killing me. Then realization hit me, we did not use a condom. I know we are boys, but I never told Jungkook. I am a carrier, and that means I can get pregnant. Oh shit!!! My eyes were about to pop out of my head at this point.

             I carefully detached myself from Jungkook's strong arms. When I finally succeeded, I walked carefully to the bathroom, since my leg was still recovering.  I splashed water on my face and started to pace in the bathroom, not really sure what else to do. I could hear Jungkook moving in the sheets. 

             "Baby Boy, where are you?" Jungkook whisper yelled sounding very distressed. I knew I needed to go out there. 

              "Sorry I had to go to the bathroom and find some pain-killers. My lower back and leg are killing me. Don't worry, I would never leave you," I said walking out of the bathroom as normal as I could. 

           I did not know if I should tell Jungkook that I am a carrier or not. I do not want him to think I am some kind of freak. Being a carrier is very rare, and I know that. Jungkook is the leader of a mafia. How can I bring a baby into that, if I am pregnant? I need to tell him I can't not tell him. I knew this was going to be hard. 

             "Kookie, I have a weird question, and please don't freak out." I said trying to not freak him out already. 

               "What is it, Baby Boy? I promise I will try my best not to freak out," he said looking straight in my eyes. 

               "Did you use a condom last night?" I was getting uncomfortable for asking such a dumb question. 

            "No, I didn't, but I am clean if that is what you are worried about," Jungkook said patting the bed next to him. I know he was signalling for me to sit next to him. 

           "It's not what I am worried about. I don't know how to say this. I am a carrier, as in I can get pregnant even though I am a guy," I said stressing a little. I did not know how he was going to react.  

          "Hey, look at me. It's okay. I am not worried about. If you are pregnant, we will worry about it then not now," Jungkook said wiping a tear that had escaped my eye.

          "Why aren't you freaking out? This is not a normal thing. I thought you would think I am some kind of freak," I said probably thinking too far into it. 

           "Tae is a carrier, so I know what it is. Besides Tae is my best friend, I was with him when he found out,"Jungkook said running his fingers through my hair. 

            "I love you, and my lower back and ass are really starting to fucking hurt. Could you massage my back, Kookie?" I said trying to be as cute as possible.

             "I love you too. Yes, I will massage your back. Does it seem like a day in bed?" he asked already moving me to my stomach.

             "Definitely," I said as he started to massage my lower back.

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