Chapter 17

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Jungkook's POV

I got off the phone with Taehyung, and I went to grab a couple towels to put pressure on Jimin's thigh. This is not a good time to not have a designated doctor in the whole Jeon mafia. I will have to change that soon. I started to press on Jimin's thigh, which hurt a great deal apparently. Jimin was suddenly awake and clenching his face in pain. Even in pain he was still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Jimin finally made eye contact with me. I could tell Jimin was getting tired, and it finally dawned on me that I do not want him to sleep.

"Hey, come on, Baby. I need you to stay awake for me. Jin is on he way right now, and he is going to help you." I said starting to feel really desperate for him to stay awake. I can't lose him. He is all I practically have left.

"I can't, Kookie. I am getting really tired. I don't think I can stay awake," He said starting to slowly close his eyes.

"No, come on ,Baby Boy. I need you to stay awake," I said starting to cry as he was closing his eyes.

Jin and Taehyung barged into my house, which in any other circumstance pissed my off to no extent. Jin ran immediately to Jimn. He started to move me from where I was. I was holding two towels with one hand on Jimin's thigh and my other hand was holding Jimin's limp hand. I did not was to leave my baby's side. He was my everything. My whole world would collapse. Who am I fooling? I would not have a world if Jimin was not in it.

"Taehyung, I need you to get rid of him. I can't have him in here. He is going to cause trouble of some sort," I could here Jin say to Tae. I knew I needed to get out, but I was not about to leave the love of my life.

Taehyung grabbed my arm and gave me a stern look. I hate it when he does that. He knows I always gave in to the look. I walked out of the gathering room to go to the kitchen. I knew I would need to order a new couch, and I was trying to distract myself from what was happening in the next room. I looked on my phone and order another couch exactly the same. I was getting really antsy with the whole situation.

I finally started to pace in the kitchen. It had been six hours since Jin got here. I was starting to get really nervous. I knew I would need to find who did this. I cannot believe Jimin got shot for me. I will have to scold him for that later. I wanted to make sure he was okay first. Jin finally came in view of the kitchen entrance. He had a smile which meant it went good. I would assume anyway.

Author's Note

Hope you guys are enjoying the story.

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