Chapter 38

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Jungkook's POV

                  I continued to stand there looking down at the files in my hands. I could feel Tae trying to look over my shoulder, but he couldn't quite see anything of importance. I did not know what to do. I sat there and stared at the file for what felt like hours. Next thing I know I can see Jimin starting to move awake. 

              I handed to file back to Taehyung and told him t go put it back in my office. I walked over to Jimin who was sitting up and rubbing my eyes. He still looked like he needed a few more hours of sleep. He looked up at me and just smiled. 

              "Why do you look more stressed than usual?" Jimin asked me with his signature giggle. 

              "I am not anymore stressed then usual. You need to relax. I don't need you to worry about me," I said sitting next to him. 

              "How can I not be relaxed when you are taking care of everything. I am not ever having to lift a finger," Jimin said trying to get up. I immediatey got up and helped him. I was getting a lot harder for him to move around as his pregnancy is progressing. 

                "That's kind of the point. I don't need you having to worry about anything," I said as I followed him wherever he was going. 

                Jimin just kept walking around. I am not sure he really had a destination in mind, but I did not want to leave him alone. I am gonna have to talk to Jimin about what Tae brought to me. I just do not know how to bring it up. I also do not want it to be real, but Tae found it. How could it not be? 

              "Hey Chim, I have a question. Do you know a man by the name of Kim Soo-Hyun? Don't you try to lie to me. I know the answer, but I want to give you to opportunity to come clean," I asked looking at his reaction as I asked. 

            "I...I don't know what to say," he said looking me straight in the eyes. 

           "Tell me the truth! It's not going to change my opinion of you. Jimin, you are literally carrying my child. I just want to hear it from you," I said raising my voice unintentionally. 

          "It's kind of a long story..." Jimin said looking for a comfy spot to sit in. If this is going to be a long story, he does need to be comfortable. 

          "Trust me I have nowhere else to be," I said standing across from the couch he was sitting on. 

          "Can you please sit next to me? It feels like you are being distant and you are mad at me," he said patting the seat next to him. He looked like her was about to start crying. 

           "Of course, sorry. I did not mean to upset you. There is no reason to cry," I said walking over to the couch as fast as I could to not upset him more. 

           "Okay, you can't get upset," He said looking at me with his puppy dog eyes. 

            "I promise I won't," I said looking at him. 

            I was sixteen, and my mom had just been put in the hospital, because she was dying. My dad was at some bar drinking his life away. I wasn't really sure what to do. I was just sitting at some gas station on the sidewalk, when some guy walked up to me and sat next to me. 

                 I looked over at him curiously of course, he was a stranger. He was a handsome man, short black hair with a sharp jawline. He just looked at me when I looked at him. 

               "So, what's got a pretty boy like you looking so down for," he asked smirking at me. 

             For some odd reason I trusted him. There was something about him that told me I could. I was not sure why, but I told him the truth about my parents. He put his finger under my chin and lifted my head up so that I was looking at him. 

              I was a naive little boy who did not know any better. I trusted him in ways that I haven't trusted anyone, besides you. I told myself that it was okay to be attracted to an older man. I didn't know how old he was at the time. I came to find out he was 24. 

             He took advantage of me in more ways than one. I did not see my parents again after that day I know my mom died, because he took me to her funeral. My dad I have no idea even to this day whether he is alive or dead. 

            I went to live with him. He bought me all new things and I never went back to my house. It was great for the first couple of months. He treated me like I was the light of his life until everything changed. He started hiding stuff from me, and he was gone into all hours of the night. 

           One night I asked him about it, and next thing I know he slapped me across the face. He said that it was an accident and that he was just really stressed. He promised me that it would never happen again. Well, we all know how that goes.

             He was great for a little but, then he did it again and again. Each beating got worse and worse as they continued. He eventually went so far that I got the courage to finally leave. He stole my first time from me without my consent. 

           I just couldn't take it anymore. He was out one night, and I got all of my stuff with the help of Taemin, one of my friends. He let me live with him until I got on my feet. Soo-Hyun continued to text and call me after that. 

          He was constantly watching me, and he was taking my picture every time he saw me. I moved several times, and he found me every time. I eventually quit having friends, because I was always scared he would use them. I tried to push Jin away, but he was very persistent. I guess you know the rest of the story. 

         How did you find out about him?" he asked finally finishing his story and looking at me. 

        "There was an envelope at the front door, and it had pictures of you from the other day when you went out to get more maternity clothes. I asked Tae to get me everything on Kim Soo-Hyun, which was the name on the letter left." I said looking over at the tear filled eyes of the love of my life. 

        We both just sat in silence after that. I found out about my Baby Boy's past today, and I learned things that I would have never thought of. He has been through a lot. There were so many thing I was unsure of, but there was one thing I was sure of. 

I have to end Kim Soo-Hyun and the Mendoza clan no matter what it takes. 

Author's Note

I am sorry guys for the delay. I am really trying to finish this book, and I am trying to finish it in a good way. Thank you all for your patience and support!!!!

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