After the Portal...

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Emma's POV:

I was lying on the cold, hard wooded floor of that old shed. Just moments before, Neal was shot & he fell through a portal. I told him I loved him. He told me he loved me too, then he let go. He did it for me. He did it for Henry. He could have landed anywhere! Wonderland, Neverland, Oz, the Enchanted Forest! I don't even know if he's alive. Tamara shot him. I want to tell myself he's alive, but I know he won't make it without a hospital. I should have told him I loved him sooner. I should have told him my feelings that I hid from him for so long.

Eleven years ago, we found each other, more like, I found him. I stole his car. I didn't know he was in the back seat until I was on the road. I also didn't know that he stole the car before I did.

I was alone my whole life. I was found on a freeway (or so I thought) as a newborn. Orphan. I read fairytales when I was younger and dreamed of a "Happily Ever After". I used to think no one would care for someone like me, until I met Neal. We instantly had a connection. We fell in love.

I guess you could've called us thieves. We did steal. Not for the extra cash. We were poor. We were hungry. We would break into motel rooms to take showers. We weren't "bad guys" though. But then when Neal mentioned we should find a "real home" I was thrilled.

Skipping ahead, I was sent to jail and I was pregnant. Neal set me up. He didn't love me. I let my guard down that that happened. At that moment I decided to never let my guard down again.

Just a couple months ago my son found me, I broke the curse, found my family, & eventually, found Neal. The second I saw him, the memories started flowing back. I was mad at him. He left me in jail. He left me pregnant. He left me alone in the world. But I still had feelings for him. He is the father of my son after all. He still had a place in my heart. I didn't know how to handle the sudden burst of feelings, so I ignored them, & when I saw he was engaged, I pushed him away.

His fiancé turned out to be a not-so-great of an individual. She shot him. She opened that portal. And now I'm here, alone and empty.

I never show any emotion, but on my way home, after losing Neal, the tears started flowing. I got home and my parents immediately started asking questions

"Where were you?"

"Where's Neal?"

I tried to speak but no words came out. Only tears. Mary Margaret handed me a tissues and David gave me a comforting hug. I finally managed to say a sentence.

"Neal... is gone..."

My parents were shocked. There was a knock on the door and Ruby walked in. She brought over Henry.

Oh, Henry. My baby Henry. How will I tell my sweet Henry that his father is dead? The father he barely knew. I took Henry by the hand and we walked to my yellow bug. I bought Henry ice cream and we drove out to his castle. My dad and Leroy rebuilt it for him after Regina had it torn down. Henry had dreamed of moving back to the Enchanted Forest and getting a real castle.

Henry finished his ice cream & I told him to get out.

"Nope." He replied, "Not until you tell me why you're upset."

I guess he noticed something was up. I told him that I'd tell him as soon as we got outside. He agreed and we climbed out. We sat on a bench and I took his hands and looked into his eyes.

"Henry, you're a strong boy right?"

Henry nodded with curiosity in his eye.

"I'm going to need you to be extra strong now ok?"

Again he nodded. I let out a heavy sigh.

" Tamara... she shot Neal. Then she opened a portal and he fell through saving me. Neal died."

Henry stared at me blankly, then I saw a single tear fall down his soft cheek. I wiped it away and hugged him. I kissed his forehead and he saw I was crying too.

"Did you love him too?" Henry asked me.

There's no point of hiding my love for him now.

"Yeah. I did. I wish I could've given you the family you wanted."

He smiled at me and surprisingly told me things were going to get better.

Then the ground started shaking.

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