Chapter 5

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Neal's POV:

I awoke the next morning earlier than usual. Philip & Aurora have been nothing but kind to me. Mulan announced she had to attend to something & won't be back for a few days.

I had a dream last night. A dream that Emma & Henry were in the Enchanted Forest. They were looking for me. When they found me, Henry jumped on my back, & Emma hugged me, but when I kissed her, I woke up.

I am able to walk without pain now. I told Philip & Aurora that I was going "exploring" Aurora asked what I was really doing & I told her I was going to find land to build a castle on.

"Why do you want a castle?" She asked

"Well since I'm here, I might as well have something to work on until Henry comes."

"Henry is coming?" Aurora told me yesterday that she was never able to really meet Henry.

"Snow White & Prince Charming are eventually going to bring everyone back here, & Henry has always wanted a castle."

"That's sweet of you to do that for him." She said.

"Then let me help you find land. I have lived here all my life & could be of help." Philip insisted. I was happy to have his help. He saddled two horses, & Aurora packed some food & we left.

We journeyed for two hours, looking at different types of land. We couldn't find anything thy really stuck out. Philip asked me many questions about where I was from & why I left. He was startled to hear that I'm the son of the Dark One.

We decided to that it would be a good time to sit down & let the horses rest. I pulled out the food that Aurora packed for us & gave the horses a few apples. Just as I sat down, Samson, Philip's horse, started walking away. We followed him as discovered he found a small river. That's when I saw it, the most beautiful piece of land there ever was. It was surrounded by trees, for privacy, & cleared in the middle. The small, sparkling crystal river was flowing just to the left of the land.

"What a magnificent piece of land!" Philip exclaimed, wide-eyed, "I have never seen anything quite like it!"

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" I said. Henry is going to love this place. And maybe, just maybe, Emma is going to love it too...


OoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOohhh! Looks like Henry May get his castle after all! But will Emma let him go live with Neal?????? Will Emma be willing to share? She already has to share Henry with Regina, how much more can she take?! All will be found out in the upcoming chapters! *DUN DUN DUUUUN!!!* Haha, don't forget to vote and comment!

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