Chapter 6

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"Mermaids?" I exclaimed. I've never seen one before, but I can tell this is not your common "Little Mermaid." Regina was using magic to stop them but it wasn't working. And because of her "good heart" Mother Superior refused to kill the mermaids, but she did attempt to put a protection spell on the ship. Mr. Gold disappeared a while ago but I don't really care about him. There was a really loud "thud" noise. A mermaid made a hole in the ship. Regina immediately killed that mermaid.

"I'm out of fairy dust! There's nothing more I can do!" Mother Superior exclaimed. More "thuds" & we were sinking fast. My dad instructed that whoever could not swim should get into a life boat immediately. I grabbed Henry & we jumped off the ship. Once everyone was on shore we started making our way back to the kingdom.

You would think that after thirty years away from their land people would be excited, but they were as scared as Bambi when his mom died (I wonder if that story is different too, since I've been told lies my whole childhood! I never would have imagined that I was the step granddaughter of the Queen of Hearts!). People were crying as we passed places they remembered. after about two & a half hours of nonstop walking,we made it back to the village. I was supposed to grow up here. This was supposed to be my home.

As people found their homes, they went to look at the damage. Some possessions were still there but much was broken or destroyed.

"Where are we going to live?" Henry asked.

"I don't know just yet, but don't you worry, you'll have your castle" I said winning at him.

Most, if not all, the homes needed renovations, but they were going to need to live in them for a few days.

We made sure everybody found their homes, & the people that came from other lands, such as Dr. Whale, were welcomed to stay in the castle

Regina told my parents she wanted to find her palace. She walked over to Henry, & told him she is done with her dark & evil magic. My dad found her a horse.

"When you see the damage, come back & help us." My dad instructed.

I didn't think she would, but two days later she came back. To prove her new self, she magically restored the castle & everyone's homes.

"Well that took a lot out of me." She said when Henry came over & took her hand. My mom asked her to stay for dinner. She wasn't going to, but when Henry encouraged her, she couldn't stay away.

"How are you doing?" She honestly asked.

"You mean with, Neal?" I asked choking back a sob.


"It's just not the same."

"It never was for me, until I had Henry, he will be here." she said. I couldn't grasp the fact that she was giving me advice, but I gladly accepted it.

Later on that day I went to approach my dad about getting a castle for Henry.


"Yeah, Emma?"

"Do you think that, uh..." How do you ask for a castle?

"Just get to the point!" He said laughing.

"I want a castle to live in with Henry. I technically am a royal, & Henry's always wanted one..." I trailed off.

"Sure, I'll talk to the dwarves to help. I'll do anything for your happy ending."

I have him a hug. He really was trying to be a good dad, even though were the same age. If only I could tell Neal that I got Henry a castle...


Aww! That was good of David! But any-who! Yay! Longer chapter! Is there anything you want me to include please leave it in the comments! And don't forget to vote!

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