Final chapter

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You know how when you were a little kid and you believed in fairy tales? That fantasy of what your life would be. White dress, Prince Charming who'd carry you away to a castle on a hill... You'd lie in bed at night and close your eyes and you had complete and utter faith. Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Prince Charming. They were so close you could taste them. But eventually you grow up. One day you open your eyes and the fairy tale disappears. Most people turn to the things and people they can trust. But the thing is, it's hard to let go of that fairy tale entirely 'cause almost everyone still has that smallest bit of hope, of faith, that one day they'll open their eyes and it will all come true. At the end of the day, faith is a funny thing. It turns up when you don't really expect it. It's like one day you realize that the fairy tale might be slightly different than you dreamed. The castle, well, it may not be a castle. And it's not so important that it's happy ever after, just that it's happy right now. See, once in a while, once in a blue moon, people will surprise you. And once in a while, people may even take your breath away.

~Grey's Anatomy

Emma's POV:

I guess I've turned into a big deal here. As I ride through the streets, people are bowing. I told them there was no need. I'm no more important than anyone else. As I rode by I smelled something wonderful.

The bakery.

I guess people are getting back to their old lives. I saw many stores today. I lost my train of thought when the baker called me over by name. When I rode over I saw the baker was Dr. Whale. He told me that Anton said the magic beans shouldn't be expected for a few months so he's keeping occupied in the meantime. He gave me a piece of freshly baked bread. It was warm & fluffy & absolutely delicious. I thanked him & rode off.

Neal's POV:

I was about to enter the village when I saw a blonde woman riding towards the woods.


I decided to follow her. I put my hand in my pocket & grasped the ring.

I've found her.

Emma's POV:

I left the village & headed for the woods. I rode for about another ten minutes. I heard someone call my name. I turned around but didn't see anyone. I shrugged & turned around. I rode until I saw a rose bush. I jumped off the horse and went to pick one. I snapped the stem of one & held it up to my nose. Then somebody's hands covered my eyes.

"Guess who." the voice said laughing.

"What the heck? Creep, who are you?" I said ripping the hands off my eyes & turning around. I froze.

Standing before me was Neal.


I was filled with happiness, fear, joy, & confusion. I fell on the ground & looked at him.

"No. This isn't real, you're dead!" I yelled. Pain & sadness filled me. All the memories from when he first left me flooded into my head.

"This is real Emma. I'm real. I'm here. I survived the whole portal thing." He said holding out his hand. I took it & he helped me up. I let go of his hand. I stood there for I don't know how long, just staring at him. He took a step towards me, but I backed up. I don't know if he's here. Maybe this is a dream.

"Emma..." He said.

"Is it really you?" I asked, eyes watering.

"Hey, hey... it's me."

I couldn't contain myself anymore, I ran to him & hugged him, tears streaming down my face. I never want to let him go again.

"You're here." I whispered.

"Yeah. I am. I'm never going to leave you again."

I let those words sink in. He won't ever leave me again.

We released the long hug.

"I love you, Emma Swan." Neal told me.

"All those years," I began, "after you left me, thinking you didn't love me. Then I found out you did, but before anything else could happen, I lost you. I was crushed. Can you imagine my pain. The horrible pain I never thought I'd escape." I single tear fell down my face. Neal wiped it away & pulled me into his arms.

"Leaving you was the stupidest thing I have ever done. August said you needed to break the curse, he said that would be best for you, but now I see it wasn't. You had pain that no one should ever have to go through." He said letting me go. "I should have known you would have permanent scars because of me." He handed me something.

My keychain.

"Emma, I will never let you go through all that pain again. But, if you never want to see me again, I understand."

I looked at the keychain, then looked at him.

"Now why would I want you to leave? You're my best friend." I smiled & kissed him. Something I haven't done in eleven years.

"I want to show you something." Neal said & we got on our horses.

He told me everything that happened after he fell through the portal.

"How's Henry?" he asked me.

"He missed you." I simply responded.

"No boy should be fatherless." He said. I could tell he was thinking of when his dad let him go.

"We're here." Neal said, getting off his horse. I did the same. All I saw was a bunch of trees & bushes. Neal took out his sword & chopped at a couple bushes & tree branches. He eventually made a hole big enough for us to crawl through. We went through. On the other side was a castle.

"It's a castle. What's the importance?" I asked.

"It's for Henry." He said. I smiled & hugged him.

"He's going to love it!" I told him.

Neal said something to me that sounded like "mrbrwrcrdalvzafrmi." I laughed.

"Neal are you, nervous?" I asked. He took my hands & smiled.

"I said, um... maybe we could all live as a family." He clarified.

"I...I would love that, but my parents & Henry..." I trailed off.

"Well what if you had a good reason to?" He mentioned.

"What?" I asked confused. Before I knew it, Neal was down on one knee.

"Emma Swan, maybe you think this is insane, happening so fast, but I've made up my mind. I can't live without you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He held up a ring. I started crying.

"Will you marry me?" he asked.

I got down with him.

"I suppose I can do that." I said with a smile. He slips the ring on my finger. I kissed him. He's mine. I will never lose him. Ever.

"I think I'm going to enjoy being

Mrs. Cassidy." I say admiring the ring.

Neal hugs me. I love him.

We explored the castle a bit, then decide to go home.

We arrived just after sunset.

"Goodness, Emma," Mary Margaret says, "if you're going to go out somewhere far please take a guard with you so you don't get-" she saw Neal. "lost."

Everyone ran out to greet Neal.

Lots of hugs & greetings were exchanged & before we knew it, we were all having dinner together.

We surprised everyone by announcing our engagement.

"I told you, you'd get your happy ending!" my dad happily said.

My happy ending. My very own happy ending.

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