Chapter 3

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Neal's POV:

I woke up on some sort of beach

"Where am I?" I groaned. Moments later I heard fast footsteps approaching. Three people ran over to me. I tried to get up, but a sharp pain in my side stopped me. Oh, that's right, my fake fiancé, Tamara shot me.

"Who are you?" Asked a man.

"No! No! Who are you?" I yelled demanding an answer. The man laughed,

"My name is Philip. Prince Philip." Oh gosh. "Now, we're going to need something to call you." Philip finished.

"Neal." I said, then it hit me, "Am I in the Enchanted Forest?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes..." Philip answered.

This isn't good. I need to find Henry and Emma, they probably think I'm dead. I need to find Emma & tell her I love her. And Henry needs a dad. I found out not too long ago I had a son. Emma never told me, I don't blame her though, I left her. She didn't know why I left her, the reason being so she could break the curse. I didn't know she was pregnant. If I did, I would've gone to find her whether she wanted me or not. Now I lost both of them. I left my son fatherless, like my father left me, but I did it out of love & I didn't want him to be alone.

The three helped me up, & took me to their castle. They laid me down and Philip's wife (who I found out was named Aurora) cleaned up my wound. The other woman was named Mulan, but thanks to Walt Disney, I already figured that out.

"Where are you from?" Aurora asked me.

"Look at his clothes," Mulan blurted, "he's clearly from Emma & Snow's land."

"You know them?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes," Aurora responded a bit startled, "they came through out land not too long ago.

"I need to find Emma! Emma & Henry!" I said trying to sit up through the pain.

"You know Henry?" Aurora asked, looking concerned, "The little boy with the the brown hair?"

"Yes! He's my son! how do you know him?"

"I was under a sleeping curse not too long ago. When that happens you are trapped in a burning red room you can't escape. Henry must've been under the sleeping curse at some time too, because whenever we sleep we visit the room." She explained.

Aurora continued to ask questions but if she could help me find them, I don't mind.

"You dropped this on the way here." Mulan said, handing me something.

The keychain.

Eleven years ago, I gave Emma the keychain, but after I left her, I served her as a reminder to not trust anyone again. She gave it back to me when she found me in New York. I regret leaving her more than anything.

Mulan and Aurora left the room to let me rest. I started thinking about Emma & Henry. I thought about how Emma told me she loved me. It seemed to good to be true. She's only told me once before, the day I left her. my mind trailed off to Henry. The day I met him. Everything he told me. I remembered him telling me that he wanted to move back here and live in a castle. I know Snow White & Prince Charming want everyone to eventually move back here & since I'm going to be here a while, might as well start building one.

A castle for Henry.


Hi! It's your author! I just wanted to thank you for reading my fanfic! More chapters to come! The next chapter isn't going to be long but keep reading! Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

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