Chapter 10

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Emma's POV:

I'm at the stables. My dad is giving Henry a riding lesson. My little boy is turning into a prince. Hmm... Prince Henry. I like the sound of that. One day Prince Henry will be saving some damsel in distress. Henry named his horse "Cobra" from "Operation Cobra," our plan to break the curse. My dad is currently teaching him how to jump.

"Careful, Henry!" I called over. David told him something & walked over to me.

"Henry is becoming quite the skilled horsemen!" he told me. I smiled. Henry's dream of becoming a prince & living in a castle is really coming true.

"OW!" Henry screamed. We ran over to him. He fell off his horse.

After telling him to wiggle his toes, move his ankle, etc. my dad came to the conclusion that he twisted his ankle. I asked one of the servants to get one of my mom's bluebirds. I wrote a note to the village doctor, telling him to come & see Henry. I rolled the note up, attached it to the bird's ankle, & sent her off.

"How in the world do those things work?" I said under my breath. I guess my dad heard me because he was laughing.

"What? I'm curious!"

"You're mother said the same thing when we first moved into our palace. She never understood how they worked, they just did."

"Like mother, like daughter, I guess!"

"Emma," he began, "do you like it here? I know it's different, but I... I need to know." I smiled at him. He was everything I ever wanted in a dad.

"It's not everything I expected, but yes, I love it here, I love having a family, though I wish I could add to my own." I said looking at Henry.

"Missing Neal?" He asked.

I couldn't answer him.

I've calmed down a bit since it happened but I still cry. He's the only person I've ever truly loved.

"Emma, I can see it in your eyes that you do. Don't worry, you will have your happy ending." He said grabbing me in a hug.

"I have a gift for you." David simply said. I gave him a questioned look. He whistled & a stable girl brought out a beautiful horse.

"She's... mine?" I asked my dad without taking my eyes off the horse.

"Yep. She's a Blanket Appaloosa Her name is Leah."

"I love her already." I whispered.

In my previous life, never in a million years would I have thought that I was a princess. Things have defiantly changed.

"Teach me how to ride her?" I asked smiling.

"Of course!" He exclaimed, "You're the daughter of a prince! Riding is in your blood!"

He put a saddle on her & I climbed on. He gave me a basic lesson. We rode for three straight hours. I think I found my new addiction. I picked up riding really fast. David said if I rode everyday I could be better than him in just two months!

Henry watched us from a balcony in the castle. He smiled & gave me a "thumbs up" when I looked over.

I told my David I was going to ride through the village.

Riding in leather pants is defiantly a challenge. They are nothing like skinny jeans. My parents wanted everything to be the way it was before The Curse. Even the clothes. Oh well, life of a princess.

Neal's POV:

We journeyed on horseback.

"Papa, I want to propose to Emma." I told my father. He just laughed.

"You really think she'll take you in? just like that?" He snapped his fingers. "You left her. You went to marry another woman." I really wanted to argue that but it was the truth. He had a point. Even though I had a reason for leaving her I didn't have a reason for Tamara. She was all lies, but Emma wasn't.

"Here," he said handing me something. I took it. It was a ring. "It was the ring your great-great-grandfather used to propose to your great-great-grandmother. Might bring you good luck."

I've heard stories about my great-great-grandparents. They were as poor as could be when they first got married. They worked harder than anyone in their village. After years of labour and hard work they became known by all. They never let their money give them big head though. They sheltered the homeless & were kind to all. They're were many times where my great-great-grandfather would pay off someone's debt & never tell them it was him. They were great people.

"Thanks, Papa."

We should arrive before sundown. I don't know how the Charmings are going to react to seeing me. I've probably thought up every possible scenario of what could happen. At least I know Henry will be happy. Which reminds me-

"Papa? Would you do something for me if I asked?"

"You know I would, Bae."

"Can you make me a castle?" I felt like a little kid asking for a toy at the store.

"I thought you hated magic"

"I hate dark magic. This does not require dark magic." I explained.

He agreed & I took him to the piece of land. It was on the way. I told him exactly how I wanted it & I left. I headed for the village.


What do you think is going to happen?! Next chapter is the last one! Don't forget to vote and comment!

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